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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Wobblin-Goblin

  1. We're being fundamentally transformed.
  2. Sorry for the poor quality, it was taken with my cell phone. DrivingB61.MOV
  3. That's the beauty of communism: force everybody down to the lowest common denominator...and then reward only those you like. Don't think for a minute that 0bama was kidding when he said he was going to "fundamentally transform" America. He and his ilk are doing exactly that.
  4. Anybody who trusts Hillary is itching to commit suicide with a gun in their off hand and two bullets to the back of the head.
  5. Hauled ten loads of gravel over the last three days. I love the way this truck pulls. Pics and vids coming soon. Having the Lo-lo off road gear is nice, too.
  6. I was there around 9:15am and left around 11:30am.
  7. Yes, I was at that show with a transformed 'Mater. "End of the Line" is indeed Yaworski's truck. Pictures don't do it justice. It's a big, beautiful truck.
  8. Saw and sat in "End of the Line," the very last Mack Superliner ever built in the states (1993). Very large, very nice truck. Saw a bunch of other stuff, too.
  9. The F-35 was never meant to be a dogfighter. It was designed to be a bomb truck and interceptor. We designed the F-22 Raptor to be a dogfighter...and then only bought 187 of them. We'd have been much better off canning the F-35 project years ago and buying more F-22s for air superiority and buying updated F-15s and F-16s for the air force and upgraded F/A-18s for the navy.
  10. These hp/tq ratings have been stupid for a while now. Four hundred horses? 800...860...900 lb/ft of torque? In a pickup? Sheesh. My '03 F-350 7.3L Powerstroke has 250/525 and it has towed some pretty hefty stuff. I've always thought 325/600 was about perfect.
  11. Not sure off hand, but they are 17s. Those are big tires, btw. They look smallish because the truck is so big (for a pickup).
  12. My uncle's conversion (1984 GMC 3/4 ton chassis w/6.2L diesel and turbo 350 automatic):
  13. We could use more lovely surprises like this to click on.
  14. With a top speed of 51 mph, I won't be driving it anywhere NEAR Macungie. [sad face]
  15. Been driving this Quadbox for a couple months now. Hopefully I can take a video of the shifting and whatnot. I'm not perfect at it, but I've made a lot of progress.
  16. I would really like to haul locally with it, but as you said, CT wouldn't allow me to load it adequately. It's got 55,000 rears, and the state would only permit me to gross 54,000. This is a 70,000lb truck all day long.
  17. Nice find. Good work cleaning the interior. Looks better already.
  18. Here's a short video of the truck backing out of the garage after we put the painted dump body back on. I'll have a few pictures after this weekend. The rear wheels have not been painted yet. Ran out of time.
  19. The EPA needs to put a moratorium on additional CAFE or emissions standards for the next ten years. They've pushed so hard for the last eight years, really screwing up the industry and costing everybody ridiculous amounts of money due to new technology that is neither proven nor reliable. Give it ten years to allow the current tech to mature, while providing plenty of time to look ahead to the next round of standards.
  20. Love the R models. I'd like to refurbish one some day.
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