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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Wobblin-Goblin

  1. NAPA has a green metallic paint that is virtually a perfect match for the Mack interior paint. I just applied it to my door rings today.
  2. Today's progress: 1. Picked up both the exterior and interior green at NAPA. Exterior green is now slightly too dark, while the interior metallic green they mixed up in a spray can is dead nuts perfect. It's literally a perfect match, and in a rattle can to boot! 2. Lightly sanded the door/window rings and painted them with the rattle can interior paint. To say I'm happy with it is an understatement. It's so good, I'll be sanding/stripping down the rest of the door interiors and spraying them, too. 3. I also took pics of the side mirror mounting hardware/flat stock I made for inside the door. You can see the welded nuts that the stainless steel bolts will screw into, fastening the mirror brackets to the doors. Looking ahead, now that I have the interior green that matches the original, I'll be doing the rest of the door interiors this week. We'll also be starting on prepping the cab for paint, too.
  3. That's my uncle's '58 B65LT. I'm working in his garage more than my own because of the snow and cold (my garage is heated with wood only, his has a furnace). You can see a thread about the B65 in the introduction forum.
  4. The issue with the snow over here is the driveway to our garage is about 1,500' long. When you get four or five feet of snow in a few week's time, it makes it difficult to remove it all. Now add in record cold temps on a daily basis as low as -20 degrees, and it makes it even more challenging. Heck, here we are just one day from March and it's -5 as I'm typing this. As far as painting the cab before putting the windshield in, I'll have to talk to my uncle about it. He suggested fixing any rot on the metal where the windshield rubber fits on, then hand painting the metal and then installing the glass and rubber before spraying the cab. I actually like the idea of painting the cab without the (expensive) new glass in.
  5. OK, finally have an update for y'all. Today we finished all the fixing, welding, and filling on the doors, then we primed them. Except for a light sanding and one more coat of primer, they are ready for paint. I also picked up the new windshields and door glass yesterday, so they are ready to be installed, too. Next week we will be tackling the cab, fixing any holes (very few) and then we'll be ready to paint that as well. I stopped by NAPA this week to try and get a slightly darker green for the cab and hood, and also am having them mix up a rattle can for the metallic green interior for touch-up work on the doors and what not. Lastly, these doors were pretty rough in areas, especially where the mirrors were attached. There were holes everywhere, and plenty of dents and rot. We fixed all that, and I made a new way to bolt the mirror brackets on the door by taking a piece of flat stock about 16" long and 1 1/4" wide, and welded nuts to it where the bolts would go through the door. We welded the bar to the door via the extra holes that were there and now I've got a permanent, strong method to bolt the mirrors onto the door. Didn't take pics of it, will have to do so next week and post them here.
  6. OK, that's my bad. I got the transmission screwed up. It's a 10 speed. ETA: here's another one http://www.commercialtrucktrader.com/listing/1979-MACK-RL685LS-113597880 And a third one, but the body is a big grain body, so it wouldn't work very well with hauling earthen material. http://www.commercialtrucktrader.com/listing/1989-MACK-R-688-113049448 And finally there's this 1998 DM690S that looks in pretty good shape, but is more than I'd like to spend ($40k) http://www.commercialtrucktrader.com/listing/1998-MACK-DM690S-113938717
  7. 1989 RD600 with an e6-300 and a 6spd. It's a 10 wheeler that I'd have to add a lift axle to in order to haul anything of substance here in CT. http://www.commercialtrucktrader.com/listing/1989-MACK-RD600-112556306 The criteria I'm using is the following: 1. Mack 2. R model preferred 3. 1980s vintage so it has the look I want (R model with fiberglass nose), is affordable, and isn't so old that it's probably in poor condition. 4. Tri-axle Since it's an '89, that's about perfect, IMO for the year. It's not a tri-axle, but if the price is right, I can put one on after buying the truck. The interior seems to be in decent enough condition, too. They're asking $23,500. Anybody have any thoughts on this truck?
  8. Still no word on the new glass for the windshield and doors. I also ordered five new cab lights, but they haven't arrived yet, either. We are planning on having the doors 100% complete and primed by the end of the week. We also are shooting for the windshield to be installed by then, too, but obviously we need that glass. Perhaps the cab will be primed by week's end as well. One thing I do every day (sometimes a couple times per day) is shop-vac the truck and garage. All this prep work is messy and dusty and it's nice not looking at all the mess while working. Hopefully I'll have some decent pics this week.
  9. Given that you guys looked at it and found it wanting, I'll probably pass, especially given the price tag. Also, I asked the owner for pics of the interior and he said he'd send me a few. He never did. Now I know why.
  10. Here's the truck I am referring to. I'm looking at buying a tri-axle and came across this. Seems a little high, but I'm still intrigued. You guys have any thoughts on this? Any input is appreciated. http://hartford.craigslist.org/hvo/4797413406.html Here's another pic the owner sent me. Not sure of the significance:
  11. I wasn't going to say anything, but since you guys have broken the ice, I can't believe he's asking that much for that truck. It isn't even refurbished, let alone "restored."
  12. I am good friends with the original owner of Rawson Sand and Gravel.
  13. No such thing, bro. It just brought me to your post. That's it. BTW, the truck I'm looking at is a 1987 RD686SX tri-axle dump. It has a 300 with a 6 spd. Is there any reason why this model might be a good or bad choice for hauling? As I said earlier, I have no prior knowledge of such a model, so I'm not sure if there were specific reasons for it.
  14. If you could point me in the proper direction, I'd be much obliged. Went looking for it and can't find it.
  15. I found an '87 R tri-axle that has the late '60s and early '70s angular steel nose and hood. Have any of you ever heard of such a thing? The cab is centered, not off set, so there's that.
  16. Today's progress: 1. Disassembled and stripped paint off both doors. Started patching and repairing one of them. Still waiting to hear back from the glass cutter about the windows and windshields.
  17. I believe this very truck was up for sale last year at $18,500. I talked to the owner and thought about making the trip to Boston to see it (and a few others he has), but ultimately thought he was asking too much money for them.
  18. I don't know anything else about the truck, like if it has a Mack 10spd or Fuller. Don't know the ratio in the rears, either. It's a 1971 DW 685 tri-axle. The intended use would be hauling for hire by the ton. Not sure how much business I can drum up, but that's the direction I'm going. I could see the truck sitting as much as it is hauling.
  19. My only experience with a 300 is with a tractor, not in a tri-axle (DM), how is the 300 in a dump truck application and how is the 10spd for such an application? Decent options? Good pairing? I don't know the mileage, but it's a '71. Any help is appreciated.
  20. Today's progress: I spent the afternoon finishing up the stripping of the cab. There are a bunch of nooks and crannies that needed additional attention, so now the cab is 100% stripped and ready for brazing and patching. I'm hoping to have one windshield and two door windows made tomorrow.
  21. This winter we've regularly had temps below zero, perhaps as much as three or four days a week. Just last night it was -6, which is pretty much standard now. We've also had more than a handful of temps as low as -18. All this *before* wind chill. We've never seen temps that cold here in CT, not that I can remember.
  22. Interesting pics. Thanks for sharing them.
  23. Must be the 250hp 673ENDT. That's a nice set-up with a Duplex. I'd put a muffler on it, though.
  24. Thomas, just to be clear, are those selling for $45 per set of five, or $45 per light? It's a little ambiguous.
  25. Today's progress: 1. Removed the cab lights. All but the center one worked, but they were all in sorry shape. I'm going to have to decide whether or not to go new or not. 2. Finished stripping the cab of paint. 3. Made a plate to go over the opening from the home-made snorkel on the air cleaner. Hopefully next week I'll have one new windshield and two new door windows made from a local glass cutter. With the cab stripped, we'll now repair some holes with a couple welded patches, some minor brazing, and then...PAINT. Thanks for following my project, BTW.
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