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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Wobblin-Goblin

  1. I agree with the part about the oil bath being the superior method for filtering and cleaning the intake air. The only reason the industry changed over to dry element replacement filters is speed and ease of maintenance when maintaining entire fleets of trucks. Think about it, what's the difference in time between servicing an oil bath filter vs. replacement filter? Five minutes? If you're servicing 100 trucks, that five minutes is now 8.5 hours, an entire day's worth of labor. That's why truck manufacturers switched. For the person with just one truck, the extra five minutes doesn't matter, which is why I've left the oil bath filter on my B61.
  2. Well guys, I've had it with the 711. I've spent over a year looking for parts for it and that's it. I'm pulling the plug on it. I'm going to re-engine it with a 237. At least I'll be able to find f***ing parts for it.
  3. All I need is ONE sleeve for my 711. This guy at JobbersInc in Philly says he's got one Mack 711 engine "kit" left and he won't break it up. It has, and I quote: "pistons, sleeves in .012 oversized, outside diameter (not sure what that means), rod bearings, main bearings, thrust washers. Need to locate ringset yet. you could use yours." I asked about the rings, and he said, "I've got some in another warehouse and I'll throw those in." Wouldn't rings already be a part of a "kit" and not have to be "thrown in?" Also, I asked about head gaskets, and he said pretty much the same thing about finding a couple and throwing them in. If he's so adamant about not "breaking up the kit," why aren't rings and head gaskets already a part of it? He wants $3,950.00 for it all and my spidey senses are going off. What if I buy this stuff and have it shipped only to find some of it (like those rings and gaskets he will "throw in") isn't for a 711?
  4. http://www.jobbersinc.com/mack.htm They are claiming they have parts I need for my B61, but don't take credit cards and all sales are final with no returns for any reason. Is that typical?
  5. What's the engine?
  6. DAYUM.
  7. The injector malfunctioned and burned a hole in it.
  8. I have everything but the liner now.
  9. 1951 LJ Mack with a sleeper. 220 Cummins.
  10. I've been there a couple of times. It's more like a club now, which is pretty cool in its own right. A bunch of old codgers get together on Wednesdays and have coffee and pastries and shoot the **** for a couple hours in the morning. The very last Super Liner "End of the Line" is there, as is a bunch of other stuff, but from what I've been told, the vast majority of trucks has been gone for a while now. I was never a fan of Super Liners back in the day, but I have to say that the one in Canterbury at Yaworski's museum is absolutely gorgeous. A stunningly handsome truck.
  11. Finally found a source for parts. A parts guy my uncle deals with found a complete set of six genuine Mack NOS 711 pistons. They are being shipped from California. The Mack dealer out there would not break up the set, I had to buy all six. My parts guy said these must be the last NOS Mack 711 pistons in existence, because he spared no effort or expense trying to find them for me. I also am buying a cylinder kit, rings, injector, main bearings, and all the gaskets needed. Had to take out a second mortgage to do it, lol. Looks like the 711 will stay for a while longer.
  12. Well, after a year's worth of tinkering, Old Noah was road-worthy enough to be entered into today's July 4th parade. It doesn't look like it, but a LOT of work was done to the truck over the last year. My dad (the original driver of the truck before I was born) drove it today in the parade. This is just a partial list of things I can remember off the top of my head: All new brake lines from stem to stern Completely new floor Cab grafted from another B model from the dash pillars all the way back to behind the seat Transmission drained and refilled OIl/filter changed Greased New exhaust Door innards swapped out with another B model Brakes adjusted Concrete jack hammered off the truck all over
  13. I had been using the silver bottle diesel kleen for a couple years in my 711. Last fall a piston melted because (presumably) an injector malfunctioned and wasn't spraying fuel properly. Not being a mechanic, I can't say what caused the injector to do that, so I'm not blaming the additive, but I was hoping that good fuel with a good additive along with regular filter changes would give me reliability out of this engine. So, is the silver bottle additive good stuff (it is plentiful and can be found at NAPA and Wal-Mart around here), or is there something else that I should be using to treat the diesel in my B61 (and 7.3L and 5.9L Powerstroke and Cummins engines)?
  14. Yes. I own a construction company and have four trailers that I tow equipment and forms on.
  15. I simply used old conveyor belt material. Cut it the way I wanted in a big shear.
  16. Yes, the "splitter" is an OD transfer case. Not sure of the manufacturer. It's either a US Gear or Gear Vendor. BTW, the first pic is about five or six years old. The sheet metal doesn't look nearly as good now (especially the rocker panels), so I'm planning on having the cab re-done and painted. The paint on the hood and roof is peeling off pretty badly.
  17. You guys might remember my last two winter projects: 'Mater, a 1964 B61SX and a B81SX. This winter, I had to divert my attention to my Dodge Cummins because the frame was bad. After pulling off the bed, I made new frame rails to go from under the cab all the way back to the rear axle. The new rails are pretty deep at 13.50" and should add quite a bit of strength. Then I mounted a new flatbed with a gooseneck ball. Here are some pics of the project. The truck has an exhaust brake, airbags, heavier-than-stock rear suspension, a "splitter," and 300hp/600tq under the hood.
  18. If they're talking pickup frames, they've already switched to fully boxed frames. Filling them full of holes defeats the entire purpose of going boxed. (I am not a fan of boxed frames, just stating the obvious)
  19. Ahhhh. Now I remember that. You're right.
  20. I'm from CT. I spent a little time researching switching over to a 237 or 300 and found out rear ends would have to be swapped, too, if I went that route. As much as I would like the extra power of a Maxidyne under the hood, I'm not sure I'd want to add that much work to the job (of getting it back on the road) unless there were no other options. Having said that, thank you for mentioning it and don't take this as me saying "no," I'm saying "I'm not that desperate...yet."
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