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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Wobblin-Goblin

  1. I already am to a degree. Part of me can't believe I'm even entertaining getting rid of it. B81s are my "holy grail" trucks, and I'm not far away from finishing it and having a darn good one. It's just that I really can't get rid of the B61SX ('Mater) because it was my first Mack truck, and I want to continue working and learning on additional trucks in the future. Unless something changes, I don't know how I can have two of them while adding a third as my next project. We'll see. As an aside, after painting the B81SX, I took it out for a run and drove past a guy's house who used to work with my dad driving mixers back in the '60s and '70s. He was outside working in his yard as I went by and later he stopped by to check it out. Even though he hadn't seen the truck yet, he said that he knew it was the B81 coming up the hill because it sounded a little different than the B61.
  2. Neither one is broken, and given how much I used the B61 last year with no hiccups, I'm hoping both of these trucks are good-to-go. It simply takes a fair amount of resources to own, maintain, feed, and house these things.
  3. Took the truck to a show today at Thompson International Speedway with a dealer plate. It was good to get it out on the road and it drives nicely. Glad I bought it, but it's a challenge having two of these big beasts at the same time. I could see myself selling it in the future.
  4. Just think, fellas. All you have to do is buy a B81, spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars refurbing it, and presto, you get to pinstripe your own truck!
  5. 0bama said from the start he would do everything in his power to kill off coal.
  6. I think the guy he quoted is right about the "macho" factor. Having said that, I think a synchronized manual transmission would be interesting. Why wouldn't it be? Everything else we drive is synchro'd.
  7. I wouldn't mind a DM800 or an R model, but the reality is I can only afford two trucks at a time.
  8. Both trucks out enjoying the sunshine today.
  9. Before and after. First pic is from the day I went to see the truck for the first time and the second pic was taken today.
  10. Truck is painted (well, the cab anyway). I used the paint code for classic Mack green at NAPA. I really like the color. It's similar to what I used on 'Mater (the B61 last year), but a little darker. I had to paint it outside because the dump body had to be raised in order to get the back of the cab, and as such I had to deal with "outside" stuff like bugs. The body work and the paint aren't perfect, but I am happy with it. It looks good to me, and I can say I did all of it from start to finish. Besides, my approach was the same as I had with 'Mater: treat it as though someone would have in the mid '70s who bought the truck and wanted to service it, freshen it up a bit and then put it to work. With that in mind, I believe this was a success.
  11. I like the high gloss, too. To the OP: the paint looks great. Don't worry about it. BTW, here's a couple of pics of the two interiors I painted. The first two pics are the B81 and second two are the B61:
  12. Sweet. I think a well-maintained R model from the '80s with the right combination of engine and transmission would make a good tractor even today.
  13. Looks solid. I wouldn't mind grabbing it if I had the money.
  14. Nice truck. I used Professional Commercial Coatings paint from NAPA.
  15. Got a lot done yesterday and today. Had to replace the driver's door latch (part that sticks out of the door and latches into the cab). My uncle had one kicking around, so I took the door apart and put the spare one in after cleaning and lubing it up. Had to adjust the catch in the door opening. Installed the sun visor and the PTO/dump levers. Finished the body work and priming of the air cleaner and everything that goes with it. Called it even with the hoods and put them back on the truck. The driver's side hood was really beat up when I bought the truck. It looked like it had a load of gravel dumped on it while it was in the middle of a hockey fight. I did the best I could with it and short of covering the entire hood with body filler, there was no way for me to get it looking like it should, so, I am going to live with it. I've got about six or seven hours into it, so it's not like I skimped. It was just beyond my skill level at the present moment. I also hooked up the hood support arms and brackets that I made earlier. After installing them, it was clear that I had to modify them even further to get them to work properly. Now they do. I am close to being ready to paint the cab and hood.
  16. Funny that you bring up naming it. I've decided it will be called "Grizzly."
  17. Bumper, radiator, and fenders are now painted (black). Radiator shutters are on the truck. Cab is next.
  18. I'll have to check tomorrow or something, as I don't remember off hand. My guess is fine thread #6. BTW, dash panel is now installed. Next up: windshield glass and doors. Then...paint the fenders and radiator black.
  19. I've always heard that ATF was best for the power steering. I also use 90w for the box.
  20. This week I completed the interior, paint wise. The seats are back in. The wiring is all figured out (some of it was re-wired for plowing and all that came out). The doors are almost completely done now, inside and out. The glove box cover had to be rebuilt (hinges welded back together in place, hole in cover repaired, catch welded back in with tin doohicky for the latch to click into). Hopefully, I will have it ready for paint by the end of the week. I'll finally get to see how my hood support arms and brackets will work (had to fabricate them myself). In a way, this project has progressed more quickly than last year's ('Mater), most certainly because I'm learning more and able to do more on my own.
  21. 13.5 yard water level dump body. The truck has a GVWR of 73,000lbs and I'm sure was registrable to 76,000lbs.
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