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Hans Remmers

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Everything posted by Hans Remmers

  1. Just thought I'd share this neat little led lit sign I bought on ebay. It took almost a month to arrive but was only about 90 bucks. Its about 10 inches across and powered by a 110v AC adapter that comes with it. Interesting part is that the adapter output is 12v DC so you might be able to directly wire it to a truck. I thought it was neat and just had to have one. I'll let you guys know if it gives me any grief.
  2. Thanks Paul. I'm wondering if it was only available on trucks in Australia now. There is one more of them on ebay and it too is located in Australia.
  3. Your R model is not likely a +3 if its a steel dash and has the stubby exterior grab handles.
  4. I think 73 was a split year. We had them both ways.
  5. I just picked up this fuel cap on ebay that I've never seen before. Its a 4" brass non-vented with the Mack emblem on it. Any idea what it would've came on? All the non-vented 4" caps I saw on 80's vintage Macks had no logo on them.
  6. $3000 seems to be a common asking price. Just need to find the right person looking for one.
  7. Looks like the box was run with bolts loose and then the inners broke off in the housing or pulled out/ fell out causing the break. Spring is pretty worn from having worn pads.
  8. The toggle switch should get its air supply from a common dash manifold. At operating pressure (90 psi and above) you should hear a short exhaust of air when flipping the switch down, less than a second. The toggle switch supplies air to a pilot control valve located near the leveling valve. When air is supplied to the end port that the toggle connects to the suspension should exhaust out of the pilot valve exhaust port. This functions independant and after the fact of the leveling valve. The pilot valve is a round canister about 1.5" x 1.5" with a 4 bolt mounting flange. They are notorious for hanging up and plugging up, especially if it sat around. Make sure the exhaust port is clear and disconnect the lines and spray penetrating oil in the pilot valve ports.
  9. I would switch to all 30's if you have sufficient clearance around the chambers to do so. 30's are more readily available and likely cheaper. I remember in the 90's 38 rears on Mack/Hendrickson air leaf didn't have clearance for 30's.
  10. It says sold on the ad now. I'm almost positive this truck passed me while sitting in the pattern Wednesday paving on Rte 7 headed toward Bennington.
  11. I think they are both 3/8 pipe into the tank but I'm not positive.
  12. Just regular 45 degree sae flare on one end and pipe thread into the tank. Not sure on the tank thread but the line end flare should be 1/2" suction and 3/8" return. Most places that make hydraulic lines should have these.
  13. I have the book for I & II but its very large like the R model book
  14. It was on conservative radio news where I heard that since opening the emergency reserves we were supplementing Europe to break their Russian dependance. Meanwhile these brain-dead morons rave how great we're doing on the home front. Have to be stupid if you believe anything the powers that be say these days. Its sounding way too true that this is the intentional Socialist push to break the American economy. We need another Jim Jones to lead these people to their destination.
  15. Rumor has it 2 terminals in the Port of Albany ran out Saturday. My local station went from 4.99-5.99 M-F and then to 6.49 yesterday. Say there is a shortage??? I'm sure Dementia Joe wasn't talking about it while he was the Belle of the Ball last night.
  16. Some parts will interchange from 1973-2003 but others evolved and varied significantly as in the upholstery and the heater boxes.
  17. I dealt with a similar issue with the transmission controller on a Cat D5 dozer. It would lock up and the machine wouldn't move, smack the TCM with a wrench and all is fine. Never had to deal with it any further but would've replaced the trans module if had to. I wouldn't rule out the possibility that the VCU behind that kick panel is going bad.
  18. I saw this too, cute little truck.
  19. 49 tons is serious weight for any straight truck. What is the application of it? Pictures or a description of what suspension it has would help.
  20. My company's fuel supplier was saying it will be over $6 real soon meanwhile the small stations are down in the low 5's. Gas is creeping up but not as fast as fuel it seems. There was a brief relief after Dementia Joe announced opening the reserves only to find out its going to Europe. NY made a big deal about suspending tax on gas but that doesn't even start til June. Its all a big mess with no solution in sight.
  21. Komatsu, Cat and International have all used that same setup on turbo outlet and I've always had good luck resealing both when replacing the rings and when I've used exhaust cement on reassembly. They are a better setup than the rings on the junk X15 Cummins today for the EGR cooler inlet.
  22. They have the dimensions listed in the ad as 30x10.5x10. Makes it tough to move around just going to shows.
  23. https://westernmass.craigslist.org/hvo/d/westminster-ww-mack-prime-mover/7474623774.html
  24. No connection, craigslist ad in Gardner, MA 707 gas, neat looking piece.
  25. Where are you located? Your best bet for any parts is through a private seller. Not much available any more.
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