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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. Hobert62

    Dump body

    Not mine. https://harrisburg.craigslist.org/hvo/d/14-foot-dump-bed/6741243642.html
  2. Also love the color
  3. Even better pic if the bikini volleyball girls where standing around.
  4. What I ment it to read is the 10 in the tube type and the 11 in the tubeless are measuring 2 diffrent things and are not measuring the same thing.
  5. A 11r24.5 is the tubeless equivelant of a 10.00x22. If I remember right the 10.00 is a tread width where the 11 is a section width at the sidewall bulge I think I got that right.
  6. Anyone want to try it you can come do a test on my B's grill shell.
  7. I liked the musical way better. I figured that's how you washed with them just the glass part had me a little confused.
  8. Always wondered wich side do you use? The washboard part is wavy glass one side is rough and the other side is smoothe.
  9. The center section is glass. I think it's some kind of solar panel.
  10. I bought this washer at my grandparents sale about 15 years ago. If I new how to use it I bet it would still work.
  11. Ours Is a 2018 model, it does fill to the top. My research found out that the 2018 is new compared to older models. Ours doesn't have a transmission the tub and agitator are hooked together and spin together not in opposite directions to wash anything. Just sloshes the water around.
  12. Are other parts of the world using DEF, DPF, and similar emission crap like the US? If so are they more successful with it? Or do they have similar issues like we have here with it?
  13. Better get the tanks and fenders shined up to match the rest.
  14. I supposed to be a home version of the commercial grade machine like at hotels and laundromats. Built to last 25 years. After I figured how to keep the lid open I discovered the problem. The drum and agitator are connected and only spin together so nothing actually washes anything it just sloshes around. That being said ours is only a few month old. I'll sell it to you for 1/2 price
  15. Should of left Sam on the door.
  16. We bought a $900 Speed Queen top load washer machine this past summer. I told the guy I don't care if its noisy, I don't care if it wasted water. I just want it to last and get our cloth clean. He said this is exactly what I want. It is built good, it does use quite a bit of water, its not real noisy, but the peice of shit doesn't even get fresh mud out of cloth!
  17. Don't buy one yet. Give me a day or two. I'll pm you.
  18. My B model had it on the tractor protection valve behind the cab where the trailer airlines started from.
  19. My B was off exactly the same as yours. Maybe the high torque over the years has stuff pulled. I added a washer or two and also enlarged bumper holes some.
  20. I wish I knew how to do stuff like that. Most body shops today just hang panels. Love watching the progress.
  21. If you dont already have buy a good quality tapered reamer. I think I pre drilled all my frame holes with a 1/4" or 5/16" small bit in cordless drill. Then used a 5/8" reamer in a 1/2" electric drill to open them up, and it worked very well. Don't get a cheap $10 one spend the $40-$50 and get a good one. They work very well just takes a little lube and they cut right through.
  22. "Buy what I sell its the best! The stuff so and so sells is junk!"
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