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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. I think the return on my dad's KW tanks are low in the tank. That way there is less pressure in the tank with a lower fuel level and it returns to that tank keeping them the same level. Idk what would happen with 2 different size tanks, but I see a bunch of freightliners on the road with 2 different sizes.
  2. Wife just told me she thinks its in Virginia. Pictures can hide a lot but depending on how or what was done $8500 doesn't seem out of line.
  3. I don't have Facebook so I know nothing more then this. I think it's somewhere in pa.
  4. https://williamsport.craigslist.org/hvo/d/donaldson-air-cleaner/6709542455.html Not mine. May be what someone's looking for.
  5. My wife's dodge durango does this.
  6. Good luck on your hunt. I'm sure someone here can point you in the right direction. Welcome aboard, and we all like to see pictures.
  7. That's great! That's what these old trucks need, to be driven. Wonder what the person at the toll plaza thought?
  8. I hope the truck got in before it got full, and it won't fit.
  9. I'm glad to see you got over your issues with keep the truck on your property.
  10. Maybe he got his garage done and is to busy filling it up.
  11. Looks like a 3 person job to safely hang them and not scratch them. . I did my fenders and headlight panels separate by myself. But..... I wasn't near as concerned about a scratch.
  12. This wasn't meant to be judging. What I meant by it was whenever I do something "not right" including a repair it always comes back to bite me in the ass later down the road. I try to teach the kids to work for what you have and don't try to take things the "easy" way. It will come back to haunt you. I wouldn't wish a fire on an enemy, You loose so much more then people ever realize.
  13. A pull like that has to build some heat on the way up. I love the thumbs up sticker on the passenger side for everyone to see as he goes by.
  14. Even if no foul play this time, what goes around comes around?
  15. Hobert62


    Great song! I've been annoying my kids all afternoon with it.
  16. Anyone hear from Rob? Is he being held hostage in the back of his shop by an undiscovered commune? Or in the house by "momma"?
  17. Maybe that's what fwd did. He seams to be missing.
  18. Now those are melons.
  19. I heard someone talking about it. I think they called it "digger days". I did see the gator driving around.
  20. I ran a ch years ago and same thing. Relay went bad. If I remember right it was in glovebox area.
  21. Is the water level always that low?
  22. How do they get the fuel nozzle into the def tank? Ours have real small openings maybe 1"
  23. No flak from me. I just think a square hood in general kinda looks naked without them. Just my opinion. Id like a set of Pete or KW steps to enter the cab and the tanks slid back on the frame. Tanks with steps always seem to get shoe marks on them.
  24. If you put 2 air cleaners on it i'll gladly give it a good home.
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