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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. I think it was on here once before. I think i rember a discussion about the small sleeper.
  2. There could be something to that. Some places fill the tank at a slower rate. A higher flow rate would kick the pump off sooner not filling the tank as full as a slower rate. It only affects certain trucks because they are the ones with the bad harnesses. Makes sense to me. We have a bunch of wiring issues. My last truck was a 2012 and I don't remember how many diffrent harness they had to change.
  3. We have about 40 freightliner cascadias with dd13's. there area a few that within a few hours if getting def at 2 local pilots the dashes light up and they get codes for bad def. some guys get it there all the time with no issues. One guy I trust has the issues all the time. when he gets def at the loves in Hagerstown, Md no issues. For some reason if he has to get it at the pilot on 322 in duncannon, Pa within 2-3 hours of driving ,lightsand limp mode. If he runs if for about a week and fills def up at the love's it clears itself out and is good to go.
  4. I've never been in a L cab, but off of looks I like the B cab much better.
  5. That's some pretty impressive road speed with "oversized" loads.
  6. I know nothing about it or if it will even work for you. It's been listed for awhile on craigslist. Good luck.
  7. Idk if this will help you or not but its local. https://harrisburg.craigslist.org/hvo/d/2006-mack-truck/6709987435.html
  8. Swishy I'm wondering the same thing.
  9. The ac's ok. But since this is other truck makes id much sooner see the Pete & KW.
  10. I like other trucks. That's why I look in the other truck makes forum. Post away with pics of those classy KW's. You can't compare a truck purchased from a low bid situation to a normal spec'd truck. That's the same as comparing a chevette to a corvette, both chevys. (Bad example because I'm not a corvette fan, but you get the point)
  11. He truck pulls with it. Get on youtube and type in back and plack pulling. You'll get a bunch of videos one he walks around and explains the truck some.
  12. You could tell these where his old burnout tires and not his pulling tires he sat there and melted them awhile before he took off up the hill this year.
  13. We where right along the road, but neither of us thought of recording it.
  14. That's pretty impressive.
  15. I have to agree another nice show some of the same trucks from last year and some new ones as well. No sunshine but no rain either. Also a big thumbs up to "back in black" for a great burnout!
  16. Do you guys not want me to come? 2 years in a row a cracked injector lines keeping my truck from coming. Last year it was #1 right above the pump this year it's #5 at injector end. I think someone has a vodo doll of my truck and keeps sticking pins in it. Lol. Still planning on coming just in pickup instead. Hope to see some of ya's there. Safe travels.
  17. Some people have all the cool toys.
  18. Possible b67? No firewall in cab and the hood doesn't seem to have many holes for the trim.
  19. Polished aluminum looks good on any truck. All painted up or not.
  20. Looks sharp but it says listing has ended already.
  21. That was a pissed off bear
  22. Your doing good with your air leaks. How about you come stop my oil leaks. The other day my shutters opened up in just a few hours for some reason. They usually stay closed for about a week. Ever since they have been staying closed like before. Guess it didn't like the air that was in it that day.
  23. Only about 30% chance of rain according to my phone. That means 70% chance of sun Thats a good thing I never hooked my wipers up.
  24. The first pic is a black bear and the others are grizzly?
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