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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. Good luck. Sounds like a real challenge.
  2. I'm thinking by pushing down the shifter will be deep enough in the transmission to reach a diffrent shift fork. But I could be totally wrong too.
  3. That was 27 years before me. Heck that was 8 years before my dad was born. Love the trucks though.
  4. https://m.facebook.com/100000417559642/posts/2098119813545250/ this was sent to me. Nicely done.
  5. If or when that truck is no longer in service that's the kind of thing that belongs in the mack museum.
  6. Keep a fire extinguisher handy just incase.
  7. Hobert62


  8. My series parallel switch had a stud that was stripped. At the same time the kenworth dealer in carlise had new delco 39mt 12 volt starters on sale so I just went the new 12 volt starter route. With my battery cable vise gripped to the parallel switch it started fine though.
  9. I agree with hat. Good luck with whatever's causing you to sell.
  10. Upon further inspection these brackets only have 5 holes in the lower bracket.
  11. Almost sounds like the universal kind that was on mine. I bought a set of these, and had to do a bunch of tweaking to make them fit so I was happy with them. Needless to say I didn't put them on my new doors I bought the ones from watts. https://www.finditparts.com/products/353801/grote-22013
  12. I ran the dot Teflon stuff with the stainless braid from the compressor to the wet tank. The ends that where on my truck where reusable just had to get new compression rings for in them. What I ran into was the line was a size bigger then what is common today. Like said above you can't use regular plastic line off compressor it won't hold up to the heat.
  13. Where's these popular? It was before my time but I don't remember them at all, and I was always a truck nut.
  14. https://harrisburg.craigslist.org/hvo/d/1964-white-3000/6684787135.html
  15. I'm still using an iphone4 and it works for me just to click on the paper clip then select a pic from the photo album then click on the little pluss sign once the photo opens on the BMT message page.
  16. If your changing I'd put an alternator on right away too. Much better charging for your elog.
  17. Welcome and Yorks not far from Lititz, Pa. I think its the first Saturday in October there's a nice little Mack truck show there. It's not huge but a nice show to talk to people. Someone will have the info about the show.
  18. Makes perfect sense since it looks like it was set up for plow use originally with the butterfly hood.
  19. I think the reason you don't split is because the gear ratios in the specific gears are basically the same.
  20. What's the setup on the front if the dump bed?
  21. The tandem dump looks pretty good. Guess I'm not totally nuts about sticking big hp in one, since there's already a drag truck.
  22. Not to offend anyone, but I think that thing is so ugly its kinda cool. I think it needs some blown big block so you could drive around and do wheelies with it. It looks like a wheelie waiting to happen just the way it sits.
  23. I'm jealous how straight they look, and the chrome grill.
  24. I bet you can fill the tank up with your cheap southern gas and you could make it up and back home without having to stop.
  25. You deserve all the compliments your getting. Like others have said. Good job!
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