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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. I like the ATM around the finish line. I'm guessing its for the guys that brake.
  2. https://williamsport.craigslist.org/hvo/d/1964-white-cabover/6677232643.html Not mine
  3. $118 doesn't seem to bad of a price for a quality gauge. It's also nice to hear someone took the time to help you.
  4. I'm guessing brake light switch going bad or gunk in it. It just needs more pressure to activate.
  5. I agree with you there. As far as any of us know we could be living in some "giant's" snow globe, just sittings on a shelf waiting to get the shit shaken out of us.
  6. In all honesty I bet the beer industry has higher quality control standards then the food industry.
  7. Well I finally did it. I ran. Into one of my stores last night and grabbed a box. As I type this I'm eating my first bowl in years. It's just like I remember, it still make the top of my mouth sore, and is quite sweet. Its prob. been 20 since I've had it, and wouldn't surprise me if its another 20 until I have it again.
  8. Prob only do it once.
  9. I figured they'd be quite pricey.
  10. Spencers chrome shop in central pa has a truck show every year. Last year there was a company there that custom built sleeper and had a desplay there that looked very close to the mercury style. https://spencerschrome.com/ if you look real close to the picture of their store you can see the display on the back wall. If you call they may be able to help.
  11. Thanks. Learned something new. That's a neat process.
  12. This is it? Seems like a fairly simple process.
  13. How does it bond to the base metal or brake rotor in this case? I'm picturing molten grinding dust being sprayed to the rotor. Does it build up to make a solid material? Or is it just a coating like its referred to in that link?
  14. What is "metal sprayed"?
  15. My new to me trk has the same issue. IMG_8352.mp4
  16. Any idea if oil pan and oil pump pickup would switch out from my 673 to a 237? Being a b67 mine leans to the right and I think they would need changed over.
  17. Mmm... cap'n crunch haven't had that for awhile. Think I'm going to have to grab a box of that.
  18. The thing that impresses me is you where looking for them. Then 8 days later you had them made and chromed already. I wish I was that productive.
  19. My oldest son watches football on tv and and both kids play. They are 9&11. I told them both if I ever saw them take a knee during the national anthem at one of their games I personally would go on the field and stand them up. When my little sister got deployed to Iraq it defiantly hit home and change the way I think about things. Thank you to those that have served.
  20. I hate cell phones and think they are annoying as hell. That being said I don't want to go without one. It is like that one tool in your toolbox that gets used for everything. Just for an example my phone is what brought me here.
  21. I could see her standing on a step ladder stretched out over your hood, washing it to go in the new garage. Of corse you would have to hold the ladder for her safety.
  22. Same here in central pa
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