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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. Your trucks look good when they are done. The R you sold awhile back was also very sharp.
  2. Thanks, The stacks make it sound good. Everyone always asks what motors in it. I get almost no exhaust sound in the cab, prob because they are frame mounted. I do get a lot of engine noise coming through the firewall and dog house though.
  3. Thanks. I know what your saying Larry. That's why I won't pull my pickup. If the mack breaks oh well, I'll fix it. If my pickup breaks I'll cry, it's to expensive to fix. It keeps raining here. I think we are close to 12" since Saturday morning.
  4. Even just a fresh coat on the black stuff, and let the red alone would really look good.
  5. Can that happen?
  6. I tried again. I thing I was able to download a video.
  7. I have some videos on my phone, but I don't know how to post on here.
  8. Thanks, The hitch started out as the trailer tongue from a leaf vac I got for parts to build my new dump trl. The show is one of the nicest around. It's not the biggest by far but everyone is laid back and there for a good time. The club is the Gratz area antique machinery association. In Gratz, Pa
  9. Yes! 3. I pulled the first time with 4 diesel pickups (3 dodges & 1 ford) & beat them. It was a 8,000 pound class so I didn't count against them at all (I'm 12,000). Nobody was really sure how I would do compared to them being 4wd and a lot more power. Then they kept making small adjustments on the sled and I got 2 more. Then the 4th hook they stopped me at about 100'. I know who the people are that run the pulls, and they wanted me to do good because the like the truck. Otherwise they could have stopped me right away.
  10. We had our local tractor show this past weekend. Friday was nice but Saturday was almost a complete wash out. I built a pulling hitch for the mack and they left me pull friday after the diesel pickups. Truck worked real good and had a lot of fun doing it. I have most of the bugs worked out of our johndeere B and got to put it on a pto dyno Saturday. It had 33 horsepower at 540rpm and maxed out at 38hp. Not bad for a 28 horse tractor.
  11. Was that picture photoshopped? The bed sides aren't full of rust holes. Don't see them in that kinda shape around here.
  12. I don't think there is enough pictures to make an accurate comparison. We need more.
  13. I'm gonna figure it out for mine one day. Basically because I run out of elbow room in the cab when trying to hang on the wheel. It does go down the road fine but sucks to maneuver in tight spots.
  14. Good luck. Me too.
  15. I'd gladly trade you a ton for a ton!
  16. Grab me some gold and ill trade you some hard coal if you swing through my area.
  17. I've heard of people using a steering box and column from a R model. Also remember someone on here talking about freightliner parts. I'd like to learn about the freightliner parts myself.
  18. The lady with the above link was nice to deal with. I sent her a pic of duplex pattern and she gladly made them up for me and the kids. there not a super high quality shirt but not bad.
  19. This is one off my B just to show the curve.
  20. Yes the light on the B have a curve in the light to fit a curved roof. I think some of the earlier cabovers have the same light except they are made with no curve for flat roofs. Depending on your truck if it has a flat roof or curved roof will help get the correct lights.
  21. Could you just grab a brochure from a dealer? Wouldn't that have the colors available like ones at car dealers?
  22. Why are there so many cool trucks on the left coast?
  23. I don't know if the built their own or not, but when you start looking at one you can pick out a lot of similarities with other brands. The same with their conventionals.
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