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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. Did you keep your same air over electric controller?
  2. What he said. ^
  3. I've thought about the airstream on a B as well. I will prob never do it but thought they would match up pretty good.
  4. What did you end up doing to your trl brakes? That sucks about car tranny. Didn't you have issues last year with it too?
  5. Glad you had a safe trip to sunny pa. If you want that tranny give me some kind of offer and I'll deliver with the mack. Maybe you can talk bob into letting us run them.
  6. Bob sold the place last year I think my buddy said. New guy has been doing a bunch of improvements to the place I guess. I've only ever been there 1 time, just to haul his car their. Good luck with the weather, like you said not looking real good.
  7. Beaver is this coming weekend? My buddy said the guy Beaver Bob sold the track to put a bunch of $ into the place.
  8. I'll take it!
  9. What do you have under your cab? I remember you having a picture at night one time. I want to mount some under mine, just looking for ideas.
  10. The other year when I drug mine out of the shed to start working on it, i made my youngest son help too. He's been very interested with the whole project ever since.
  11. Dog house really isn't in the way for the driver. I agree. The worst part is the shifters being 7" back further in the floor. Combine that with a contour cab there's not much elbow room when shifting, or belly room between the seat and steering wheel. I'm 6'2" 225#
  12. That's the dumb things about these new trucks. People keep preaching safety safety safety, and they keep putting more blind spots in the new trucks. My freightliner seams like it has telephone poles for A-pillars.
  13. I don't watch sports on tv, but my kid likes the packers. It's a nice short hood. Would look good at my place. Is it a flat back cab?
  14. Very sad, but prob true. Just shows how disrespectful people really are.
  15. They're only 3/4" lights? They light up pretty good.
  16. Is this the guy that got his mustache shaved off at macungie last year? Happy b-day
  17. I was planning on bolting a deceptive plate of stainless or aluminum on the interior of mine. Then mounting my CB to it. However its double walled and seems hollow in between so bolting through it prob won't work.
  18. Mine also has original strap as far as I can tell. The doghouse seams to be made out of some type of fiberglass.
  19. Phantom made very nice center brackets out of stainless, but the ends he just fastened with nutserts.
  20. The problem I ran into when I made mine was mounting the ends of the visor. The a pillars and visor ends don't match up due to diffrent angles. I ended up using a 3/4" hole saw and cut 2 holes in each pillar. Then welded 3/4 round stock in at the correct angle to bolt the visor to. The ends are very solid but I should still have some type of center brace.
  21. Happy b-day.
  22. I thought they looked alot longer. I can get the 8" for basically free, so I was hoping.
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