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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. What part of Pa? Instead of fixing it and getting more headaches you could just give it to me. I'm just looking out for your health.
  2. The biggest thing with shifting is take your time. Both in learning and going from gear to gear.
  3. The wheels on my steering I started with 180 grit on the da sander. Your right It makes them alot easier to keep clean when they're smoothe.
  4. Guess I'm a little late, but happy birthday anyway.
  5. That's how I'm getting the maxis for my dropdeck. Trailer at work blows a diaphragm and the whole can goes for scrap. I've been saving the nice ones to piggyback onto the service side of mine it originally just had air/air
  6. Out of curiosity, what's the reason for them on a wheel lift?
  7. Amp for amp. What's the diffrence between an automotive alternator and a truck one? Is the truck one just made heavier for the long term use?
  8. Happy birthday. I enjoyed his vast knowledge. And when the photographer showed up at his place too.
  9. I stole this from on here awhile back, but figure its a good time to reuse. (thanks to original poster)
  10. The sign said no trucks. I'm guessing he was hung up on the landing gear.
  11. Best advice I can give you is don't put stuff in it until its done, or it will never get finished.
  12. I have 12r-22.5 on my B. they are the same height as a 11r-24.5
  13. Eastern marine out of Delaware I think is the name of a place I ordered some parts through. There prices where good shipping was a little pricey but very quick. Also had good luck with etrailer.com. They have free shipping.
  14. South of Dixon? Is that a town? That's my dads name if you ever see a neat/ funny tshirt from there I'd take a large for him.
  15. Happy Easter.
  16. I thought by the heading you where going to be a dad again. Lol My kids both want to learn to drive a stick, and the oldest says he wants to take the mack to his highschool prom. He's only in 4th grade so I told him he has to be able to shift it.
  17. Don't make a list like that. It's depressing when you see how much more there is to go.
  18. Keep me posted what you figure out. I haven't hook anything up yet for my elec trl brakes. I saw a pic somewhere of what you had and figured I'd just by one of them. Glad I held off I guess.
  19. Good luck and make sure you keep posting pictures. We "I" love to see pictures of other people's projects.
  20. I also liked the KW. But in all honesty I'd be happy with just the radiator hung on my wall. If I was to get any it would be the B model wrecker.
  21. I'm not that far from yarnall according to the map thing on my phone it will take only 1 day 13 hours. Think it said 2,580 miles.
  22. Shipped????? Drive it. Sounds like a fun road trip to me.
  23. A B53 is a short hood like my B67 with the doghouse in the cab isn't it?
  24. Hmmmm? I bet that would give my truck a real bark through its 2 big stacks. How much did it raise your valve cover? Not much room with mine wedged 1/3rd of the way under the cab.
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