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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. Does it have power stearing? Would the box be a candidate to swap into a B?
  2. Wasn't there a guy making a bar out of one in his basement too?
  3. Looks like it does.
  4. But going back to the clutch problem would that be a cause?? just asking because my uneducated mind dosnt see a connection
  5. Nut prob got lost somewhere on the shelf. When I bought my bendix valves they both came with them.
  6. We have an old 8quart white mountain ice cream freezer. Wife mixes up the best ice cream. Tonight she threw together mint chocolate chip. Out of 8qt we only have 1 freezer bowl left.
  7. Were these old models all chain drive? Were chain drives all single axles? If there were tandem axle chain drives, did the same chain drive both axles?
  8. Why not just a card in the spokes
  9. Sad but true
  10. No Prius power there. I think he's going full electric. I really like the uniqueness of his project, and would love to see it when finished. That's the cool things about trucks. There's such a broad canvas to work with.
  11. Remember we are like kids, and like to see pictures.
  12. I don't have the email address handy but you can send a message to the mackmuseum and they can look your trucks build info up. They ask for a donation for there help. I didn't get a lot of info for mine but others seam to get pretty much. Also if you put the #'s from the tag on here there's A lot of knowledgable people that can give some general info to you.
  13. Hobert62


    Theses are what my buddy smokes. They are a very handy box.
  14. Looks like a nice looking truck though.
  15. Hobert62


    Guy I work with smokes some expensive cigars that come in fancy wooden boxes he give me to store stuff in the garage. They smell that bad You can smell his truck coming down the street.
  16. Hobert62

    Work boots

    Amish guy I get mine from talked me into getting non insulated, and if its cold just wear a heavier sock. I've been going this way for about 10 years now and I'm happy with the results.
  17. Is that the hidden clue there? Cracked bell housing?
  18. I think they passed a law to tax it here in Pennsylvania.
  19. I'll second that.
  20. How about meatloaf? Could you bring one of yours along too? With the bacon.
  21. That's a hooker I wouldn't mind playing around with. Nice truck.
  22. I agree with freightrain alot of the noise comes from the exhaust mounted to the cab. My dual 6" straight stacks are frame mounted and I don't hear any noise from them over the engine.
  23. Peices of shit. I'd pepper spray him. That way you can watch him cry for awhile.
  24. Option I thought about involved a trip to a junkyard. The style you have pictured looks like a bunk vent from an international that mounts in a rubber gasket. Peterbilt, KW, and freightliner have similar bunk vents that rivet in place. If your going to cut a hole maybe you could find a wrecked truck to find a matching pair of donor vents cheap.
  25. I think I saw her getting fuel this morning beside me.
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