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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. Most of the manual options in our trucks have been turned off. I can manually upshift and downshift though. If I shift it manually and don't let go of the shifter it will hold in that gear. The most unsafe part of it is when coasting it will go into neutral, oil pressure, tach, and everything goes right to an idle until I hit a pedal to cancel it. It sucks when your trying to go down a slippery hill and have to either ride the throttle or the brakes to keep it from kicking out of gear and freewheeling.
  2. I ran Walmart filters on my festiva when I had it, and honestly the oil appeared to stay cleaner longer between oil changes. When I would start it with a fram filter it would rattle on the top end for a second until oil got there. It didn't do that with the super tech.
  3. I try to stay out of our volvos but I think ours always start out in 1 gear.
  4. I know what that's like. I worked in a freezer at a place that made the egg patties for Burgerking. -20 inside then walk outside in the summer.
  5. I love the vast knowledge on this site but you guys are all a bunch of jerks! Lol I thought my first vehicle was cool and it was a 85 2wd chevy s-10.
  6. That all sounds about right. When I take my foot off the brake on a hill it dosent dump the air out of the brake system until my foot is on the throttle and I can feel the clutch is starting to engage. It doesn't do it all the time only about 1/2 the time. The worst thing with the drivetrain is sometimes starting out on a hill it decides its in the wrong gear and in the middle of starting out it will decide to downshift. Problem with that is it will freewheel backwards like its in neutral until I get my foot back on the brake. It only does this sometimes too. I only go a little over 200 miles a night with 11 stops. I do kinda miss my clutch pedal, but I do really like the auto for what I do.
  7. Can't be built by tonka. Not enough metal in it. We all just joke about it, and call it the no wheelie light.
  8. I have a 2016 freightliner cascadia at work. It has the DD13 and a 12 speed automatic. I have it since new and it has around 190,000 miles on it. Since new my no wheelie light come on every now and then. Does anyone know its real meaning? Company is to cheap to include owner/operator manuals in our trucks.
  9. That's a good looking hooker. I new the jlg lifts where heavy but didn't think they where that heavy
  10. What was anchoring it down to keep the front tires in the air?
  11. You won't be disappointed. Trust me!
  12. Looks like they have metal mounting brackets holding visor to cab. I didn't think Lund had them.
  13. I just realized he has the 2 flat windshields his wipers are only 12" I think. Yours prob has the single glass.
  14. How many other groundhogs are out there predicting spring. The one I know of here in Pennsylvania is "Punxsutawney Phil".
  15. Looks good. Would look good with my bed liner front fenders. I'd like to find a nice cab and front end this style to put on a modern chassis to use.
  16. Your in a T800 right? My dads W900 has real small wipers like on my B model. He usually just finds them at the KW dealer.
  17. The freight company that ordered mine apparently had some 67's with the big radiator too.
  18. Do they work on a turbo motor? I read "somewhere" that a turbo motor in a hard pull could suck the oil out of the filter. The change all took place before my time so I don't know if there's any truth to it or not.
  19. Anyone want to bring it to Pa for me?
  20. With my lack of sleep and a little imagination that would look good on the black R in the background.
  21. When I switched my front axle I took the bottom 3 short leafs out on each side to get the ride height I wanted. Its a noticeable diffrence in the ride and I think the longest leaf was about 9". It helped take the bang out of each bump
  22. Unless...
  23. https://williamsport.craigslist.org/hvo/d/1978-mack-dump-truck/6467078286.html
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  24. I like that. To bad it's on the left coast.
  25. I was thinking the gulf oil sign is prob worth more then my mack.
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