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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. Awesome picture with the steamer. I would love to get a pic like that with my B model.
  2. That seams pretty fast with big chains like that flapping in the wind.
  3. Courious what would road speed be of a chain drive be?
  4. And sometimes they are just a gadget, but sometimes they really do work.
  5. I have a spicer 7041 I got out of a running ford l8000 style diesel dump truck. I didn't see the truck complete. Tranny has both yokes, shifter, and mounts. I haven't looked inside yet but will. I don't have any idea how to ship something like this but could possibly meet. Asking $1500 but...... Cash talks. Central Pa 17830 Thanks, Bert
  6. Can't help ya either, but would like to see pictures when completed.
  7. I like watching what other people are doing. Always gives me ideas for the future.
  8. Only if it has your female support.
  9. I know ther headquarters is in Altoona, pa. Didn't think they went far to the left
  10. Did you mean a Haleybutt?
  11. Are they even out west? I thought they where an east thing.
  12. Funny. But sadly true,and she would have won the case and his life would be over.
  13. After seeing this pic. I think you need to get a big set of stacks to match the dual air cleaners.
  14. My opinion is I didn't trust 55 year old wiring with brittle insulation and decades of hack jobs. I cut every wire out of the truck and started new. I started with a 14 circuit universal street rod kit from ebay. I have 3 circuits not currently used, i plan on one for a radio and 1 for elec wipers. I put 2 of the marine power plugs in fxfymn mentioned. They came in a panel on ebay, but I threw that away. Their plastic with a big plastic nut on the back to secure(just drilled a hole). 1 is a USB plug other is cigaret style. I think have 5 circuits I ran through relays also. High & low beam, trailer lights, and 2 for tractor lights. I like the alternator idea also, but I know where your coming from on the look. On our 2 johndeere's I still have the generators because they are right out in the open and an alternator looks way out of place. The farmall is hid under the hood so that got changed.
  15. They have some very interesting........... articles? in that magazine.
  16. 2 local guys in the areas both with about 10 trucks each built freightliner gliders for years. They have both switched to building westernstars.
  17. Good luck and safe travels. Can't wait to see another update. Truck turned out great
  18. I'm not racist in anyway. I dislike most people just to be fair.
  19. I like the fact the "construction co" is now giving Saturday mammograms. That's very community minded of them.
  20. I do the same thing. Mine started out as a b-67 short wheelbase single axle. I cut everything off the back and left about 4' of bare frame. Then slid a set of freightliner frame rails with a single axle air ride setup right over it. I drilled and bolted through 3cross members, fuel tank brackets, and a toolbox mount. The truck drives and rides very nice. It handles the weight much better then my pickup, but in all reality my gass job pickup will out pull it on a hill load for load hands down. Our one show is basically all flat but everywhere else I go is hills and it does slow down and I get a lot of shifting practice. Mine still has the original non turbo 673 a 237 upgrade with the extra hp and torque would be a big plus! The end result is, if possible for me (i have 2 kids) the mack goes over the pickup just for the "cool factor". Lots of heads turning, thumbs up, & cell phone pictures as we drive by. Way cooler then my 2004 chevy! There is a post on here of what I did. I think it's called "finally time to assemble". Or some thing close to that. Good luck
  21. It was on here somewhere. I remember reading it some time ago, but I don't remember where it was or what it said.
  22. Good luck. My wife has pneumonia and she's a store manager for an Ollie's bargin outlet trying to get ready for the disaster that starts Friday morning. Hope ya feal better
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