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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. Redwing does have different lines not all are made in the US. I tried the cheaper ones and was disappointed. The amish shoe store I buy these from says they are the best he has if I don't mind spending the extra $
  2. I'm using my phone and couldn't open it either. that's the new link for me.
  3. They're right around $200 though. I wear them 7 days a week and can get about 2 years out of them. The cheaper ones I get 6 month to a years if I'm lucky
  4. Hehehe
  5. Mine just took some wd-40 and working it back and forth to free it up.
  6. I really dislike wheel simulators.
  7. I had 3 hours to sleep this morning when I found your posting. Lets just say I spent a good chunk of it reading and watching your videos. Your a beautiful girl, you have a beautiful truck, and a beautiful story! Like others have said you did a terrific job and have a lot to be proud of!
  8. That's about what mine did with 4.62 gears and a direct 10 speed
  9. This is at "Roser Entetprises" king of salvage.com
  10. With a bumper like that I don't think it matters.
  11. You can't post that picture! Your gonna get in trouble! There is a confederate flag licensee plate on that truck. Lol. I'd take it, and the garage with chandeliers.
  12. Not so good day today. Loaded our 2 johndeere's on the trailer behind the "B"today and the 2 kids and myself left for a show/pull about 25 miles away. On the way there truck something didn't seem quite right, seamed low on power. This was the first i took it up and down the hills that way loaded so I just wasn't sure. Got there and fuel was spraying on the side of the truck. Front injector line is spraying fuel out the fitting on top of the pump. Nothing to do there so wired a can over it to keep the fuel from being sprayed on the exhaust and it will have to do. Unloaded tractors and got a 2nd place in my first weight class with the kid's "B". Second class something seamed to get tight in the motor and slowed it to a stop. Pushed it off track started right up and loaded it back on trailer. End of the day went to leave made it 1/2 out the driveway and the throttle pedal on the mack snapped off about 1" above the pivot where the 2 bolts go through it. So I called my dad and had him go to my place (only 1/4mile) to get my pickup and a list of tools I came up with in my head. He took the kids and the gooseneck home so they could get to bed(very unhappy wife). I ended up drilling the pedal and bolting a steel plate across the brake to bring it home.. My pillows not on the couch so I guess I'm safe. After all my rambling on now I'm gonna ask for info. The fuel lines that go from the pump to the injector. Do I buy them, make them, or how do I go about that fix? Do I change them all right away? How high of pressure are they? I think I've seen the fuel pedal assemblies on the Watt's sight.
  13. I think I read somewhere the harbor freight stuff of top coatable with other paint if you want a diffrent color. I'll see if the can says anything.
  14. I go by your museum nightly and the roadway outfit parked out front looks pretty neat.
  15. If and when you use the aerosol cans keep your distance far like 16" away from piece. It will make a mess if your to close.
  16. At motor truck? I know the corvettes are at the fairground.
  17. Got it at Harborfreight in a gallon can. Put it on with a roller. They also have it in spray cans. I tried them on some brackets. It painted and covered nice, but I don't think it's near as tough of covering. With the roller stuff you get the texture from rolling it. The more you roll it the more coarse the finish.
  18. It was my kids first day of school. The funniest part about the eclipse was seeing my wife wearing my welding helmet. I think that was the first she ever had one on.
  19. Great effort and good friends! Job to be proud of.
  20. Took truck to a local fire company's car show on Sunday. Long story short a guy gave me a set of thermodyne emblems. Now I think I have all emblems on my hood, but on both sides there is 1 extra hole above thermodyne. Any idea what goes there?
  21. Agree, but it really has the cool factor going for it.
  22. That's a good idea! My birthday is the 30th of December. I'll have to hint around for them to get me 1gift. Only problem is finding one.
  23. Hope you bought more then you planned on for that price. That's sad that's all they brought
  24. The suspense! I think I remember from one of the old Mrs Mack youtube videos Paul was wearing this shirt. is this a sign we will be seeing something like this? I guess time will tell.......
  25. Maybe the 8's. I doubt it will ever see a chrome grill.
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