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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. My phone got turned off this morning when I just powered it back in everything was still here. I hope I don't have to log in I have the slightest idea what my password is.
  2. With a rear like that you only prob need 1 shift.
  3. I just use my iPhone 4 yet and go through the photo album on phone
  4. My mom and aunt are on a trip in Iceland and thinking if me they took a pic of this 1961 Volvo they saw there.
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  5. Can't help you with #'s, but... Is it that easy to change your water pump that you don't mind risking using a cheapie ebay pump with the risk of it being cheap for a reason? I'm not preaching buy mack I like to save $ when I can, but I don't think a water pump is the place to take the ebay gamble. Strictly my uneducated opinion.
  6. Butane... as in lighter fluid?
  7. Not a curved neck but an older one. https://williamsport.craigslist.org/hvo/d/step-deck-trailer/6205952193.html
  8. That truck had a very nice sounding exhaust sound. They had it running when we looked at it.
  9. I bet Swishy has some good pictures somewhere of the skirts. A little more detailed.
  10. So did it power hydraulics on the trailer or did the box go up mechanically???
  11. I know nothing about this, but it shocks me. I figured something like this would be worth more then that.
  12. Seams like a beast of an R someone needs to save from the scrapers. Kids picked up an "AuctionTime.com" book and its in there.
  13. I turned the nuts on the rack 3 more flats and it made a big difference.
  14. I looked at that truck and it stumped me. How did the dump trailer work? The pto had a 90 degree gear box and ran up through the fithwheel.
  15. If I remember correctly from when I replaced my Teflon feed line. Modern trucks use 5/8" line and my B was 3/4". Everything was available just nobody local had on hand. Bought the Teflon tubing with stainless braiding sleeve by the foot and reused my ends with new crush sleeves. It goes together just like compression fittings on plastic airline.
  16. my B did this today when I put it away from the past weekend. I did end up blowing all the black snowflakes off the aluminum with shop air.
  17. I think they had to have brakes on 2 axles (way before my time). So it must have been an original single axle truck.
  18. In the first pic it looks like a bulkhead fitting coming through the frame rail for front brakes too. That would be good for Larry.
  19. K. That one looks alot better then my extra one. And yes they are more like a brass zip tie then a rivet thing that holds them together.
  20. mine both have 2 holes and brass type rivit sorta things holding them together.
  21. My personal opinion is a motor is a bolt in part and they will all break at 1 point. If the truck is exactly what you want and the price is where you want I'd go for it. If its a good motor at the present time I'd be looking more at rust issues myself as a determining factor. An inline could alway be swapped in if something happened and a rear gear change ain't that pricey around here. Strictly my personal uneducated opinion.
  22. That's in a mag drill? I've seen them used. They do work very nice. My buddies one is a low profile style. I think it would prob. fit between a drive tire and the frame rail.
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