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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. Just found your post. I have 4:30 rear, direct drive duplex, tired non turbo 673, and tall drive tires (12r 22.5). It runs 66 mph at 2300rpm. Ok bobtailing pretty sleepy with any kind of load.
  2. Is this a pic of your truck? Saw it on Facebook and thought it resembled yours.
  3. This is what you don’t want. Way to big for the truck. Sorry to the truck owner
  4. Be carful with the height. Mines off a freightliner and it was a little to tall. Looked out of place. My buddy shortened it about 3” to get it to look right. I believe “azb755” (I think that’s his name) has a stainless one on his B too Not sure what he used
  5. I usually take 3 pics when I want to post something. One with my phone upright then turn it each way.
  6. I found with my iPhone I have to hold the phone a certain direction. Either sideways or right side up when taking the picture. I don’t remember which way though.
  7. Agree 100%. And never sit stuff on front fenders or deck plates either.
  8. Service lines inc where my b67 came from had some big radiator b67s as well. I will agree about hitting elbow sometimes on a shift too.
  9. There staying on my B too👍🏻
  10. I just read an article somewhere that Pennsylvania just passed a law that a turbocharger is not considered a muffling device anymore.
  11. If you grab the drag link you should be able to feel if there is excess play in the ends. It will rotate but shouldn’t have slop in it.
  12. I hauled mine about 50 miles of 2 lane with my 8.1 gas job. Yours is probably about a 2000 pounds heavier with the wrecker stuff, and my trailer has dual wheel.
  13. Thought of that. But I’m not sure if an industrial engine will work right in a truck the way the governor is set up
  14. I’m trying to justify buying it. Pretty sure I can get it for less then 1800. Have no need whatsoever but hate to see it gone forever. They estimate there’s 200-300 pounds of copper in the generator. If I don’t get it will prob be taken apart with an excavator.
  15. It is a H model delivered June 1951. Got some more pics. Will post soon. Oil looks clean in it. Said it would take $1800+or- to own it.
  16. I like mine for my 15 stops a night. But like I said, It took a little while to get use to it. Hated it for a few weeks.
  17. Didn’t see much on the tag. Plan on going out tomorrow again, I was on a different mission today. He has a Amish guy that buys most of his generators so prob won’t end up scraped.
  18. Yes. Pretty sure it was a generator, didn’t really look at that end. They had a v12 Cummins awhile back with a generator too. Idk on a price. He was leaving when I got there today and said have fun. I will talk to him tomorrow
  19. Found this at my buddies scrap yard today. I’d like to save it but have no need or knowledge on it or anyway to handle it. My 8.3 Cummins was almost to heavy for my engine hoist
  20. I wish my b was on the road when it was there. Would have made a lot better picture
  21. I’d put the b-61 cab and hood on the 5 ton chassis.
  22. That’s the one. Pretty sure it had s kt under the hood. Parked my beater car just for size comparison
  23. No you don’t. If you drive it just once you will hate it. They take a little while to get used to. At least it did for me.
  24. B61 T 4800 that is s B serial #. Short and sweet
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