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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. The kids and myself are really into the B, But if someone offered me an IH emeryville on trade I'd really think hard about it.
  2. I left mine run when I ran into local mom and pop grocery store and people inside thought there was a helicopter outside. it was making stuff inside vibrate. They went out to look for it and realized it was the truck.
  3. This is what happened to my dads reman cummins the other year. It was still at the cummins shop on there dyno for break in. (so no warranty issue". I think they determined it was due to rod bearing put in backwards. He had 2 new motors on a weeks time.
  4. I know there's gonna be a bunch of people that don't agree, but some aluminum buds would sure look nice.
  5. What he said. I'm thinking broken fitting. Look for a loose airline hanging nearby.
  6. I had a buddy build a tilt front on an early f-150 in in highschool. He used farm gate hinges. I have no pictures but it turned out nice. The C model used b-67 fenders didn't it?
  7. I think they are more concerned about burning us for not wearing a seatbelt and keeping our safety bonuses.
  8. So do ours. But I'm 6'2" and with seatbelt on its all I can do to reach it. Our volvos are mounted all the way by the passenger side A pillar. Only way to reach them is to unbuckle and walk across cab.
  9. Prob if they had a gun. They have the bullet. I didn't see it but was told it was 45 caliber.
  10. They are shock activated. Once set off it saves 8 seconds before and 4 seconds after. It takes some kind of jar to set off hard braking, bump in road, quick turn or something along those. If it would have been recording it could have got details on the oncoming car.
  11. The bullet probably would have went right behind him if it would have continued at the same angle. If it would have been 6"-9" further forward it would have hit him in the ribs.
  12. We do have dash cams but they only record when we hook and unhook from trailers or go around a corner to fast.
  13. We had a driver get shot at on Friday morning around 3:30am about 5 miles from getting back home. He wasn't hurt! A car was going north on 147 a 2 lane road and he was coming south. All he remembers is the car had people with there arms out the window like they where playing in the wind. When they got right beside him he said it cracked like someone hit the truck with a baseball bat. He thought they threw a beer bottle at him. When he got back to the bakery this is what he found. It hit the striker in the door jamb. When he opened the door the bullet fell to the ground. A bunch of cops where involved and as of right know they are basically just calling it a random act. Everyone be safe and pay attention to your surroundings. the bullet stopped when
  14. Is that like a drag link socket? I used a piece of scrap and adjustable wrench. This looks much better..... Sorry to hijack thread.
  15. This will fit.
  16. Kinda like being able to read a road map?
  17. The best part for me is I work overnight and she works days. I have all day to bring stuff home before she gets off work.
  18. When I was about 10 I rode with my dad almost to the Ohio line across 80 to look at a truck. We got about 50 yards away and I said "dad I think we waisted our time". We had a good breakfast though, and still joke about it.
  19. Does anyone want or need it? After putting a bunch of local miles on the new one I'm happy with how everything works. Everything seamed tight and truck drove good with it. Front spokes are for 22.5" I'm about 2 hours north west of macungie. Make an offer I'm open to trading. Thermodyne emblems, wet line, and ??? I'd like it to be saved.
  20. The pre 2000 still have to have an e-log if required be the company leased to. They are just only tracked by GPS and not plugged into the ECM of the truck.
  21. Not to sure about the single axle but it would work good to store/haul our tractors.
  22. Nice thing is these grotes are made from some type of nonmagnetic metal and shouldn't rust, or crack like the cheap plastic ones.
  23. These lights have a semi curved base that match up to the B roof pretty well. Not sure how they will sit on the F's roof.
  24. You lucked out. Yours kinda found you... Would a beer keg work? Would have a neat look.
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