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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. A good reamer is worth it's price. I used a 5/8" for my frame, and with a pilot hole and a little cutting oil it goes through like butter.
  2. Is that Pete air ride?
  3. Have the battery on a charger for a while before you try to crank. For me it will always crank 1 turn not enough to fire when I try starting something for the first time in awhile.
  4. https://www.finditparts.com/products/354341/grote-45333?srcid=CHL01SCL010-Npla-Dmdt-Gusa-Svbr-Mmuu-K354341&gclid=CJ_sxOeqidQCFcdXDQodgFEGfQ I got mine from finditparts. Cheapest place I found them and I think I bought a $7 hose cutter to get free shipping. My original 517's will be come off some day but not sure when.
  5. I built my kids a pulling sled for there pedal tractors. I'm 6'2" and when I put one of them in the weight box and I get on the tractors it don't sound good. Someday I'd like to find one at a yard sale, cut the back 1/2 off and build my own rear heavy enough that we won't destroy there nice ones. I forgot to say that these new ones are junk compared to the older ones. Even ones we bought 7yrs ago compared to 3yrs ago there is more plastic.
  6. I'd like to see the rest of the truck.
  7. It was some kind of cold coffe in a bottle. I know I'm not a real man but I don't drink coffee at all. I'm just amazed she went for a ride and only complaind that it stank inside once!
  8. Must be a common area on the drivers floor. Mine has a patch of 1/4" steel right in the same area yours has the rectangular shape piece welded on.
  9. Wife finally sat in the truck today and said lets go for a ride. I'm pretty sure she did something that was never done in this truck before! She drank a Starbucks!
  10. For what its worth... A buddy of mine that welds has a hand held blast gun that he uses baking soda in to clean dirty aluminum. Ive never welded aluminum...
  11. Glad you got it painted. I probably would have put it together used it once and never got to painting it.
  12. Got my insurance policy today, it's a hagerty plan I purchased through my local agent that has my homeowners and auto. I have the truck valued at $10,000 and have a provision so I can pull trailers. Cost me $192 a year. On a more fun side I hooked to my dropdeck for the first time and moved it around the yard.
  13. Mine was a 4.62 but with a direct duplex it wasn't enough. The new one is a 4.30 and with the 12r 22.5 will run 63 at 2100 according to my GPS. I would have like around a 4 but I only gave $500 for the complete cutoff and figured I'd try it.
  14. I didn't use the mack rear I used the Rockwell from the freightliner air ride cutoff. It gave me a much better gear ratio. My last mack crossmember is at the rear of the doubled frames. It is about 2' of just freightliner frame before the first freightliner crossmember.
  15. Freighttrain & myself did something similar. I can't say for him but I didn't use any type of shims. Everything pulled together like it belonged. I bolted it through 3 of the mack crossmembers then added the fuel tank mounts and some other brackets through the splice as well. I think my overlap is about 4'
  16. The steering box is actually mounted on the axle?
  17. A nice diamond stamped panel (reefer doors) on the rear would look good.
  18. I can picture it and it looks pretty good. Go for it.
  19. Guy I new of around here that races cuts the strap off the spark plug before he puts them in. He lets it spark off the head.
  20. Thank for the comments. I've been really busy, but who needs paint when I know the photographer girl. Black and white makes the truck look perfect!
  21. I'm guessing its about appearance. A truck is like a women... It needs some nice curves to look good.
  22. The drag like will get changed. This is only temporary. Had a great time at the car show today. Mostly rainy, good food and lots of people to b.s. with. Lots of thumbs up and compliments on the truck. It actually got 1st place in special interest class !
  23. Ifound the steering arm I want to use to get my drag link basically straight. Only problem is its on our Ottawa jockey truck at work. It comes out of the knuckle straight then the drag link sits on the top. most others I've been seeing come from the bottom. Local vo-tech kids are having a car show at the high school Sunday that I want to attend, it's less then 1 mile so I decided to just make a stepped drag link. it turned out alright, i added a gusset when I removed it to weld. My lack of lights limited my test drive but everything worked well. The new lower stance of the truck is nice, I don't have to unhook the garage door and hold it up with a vise grips to gain an extra 1 1/2".
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