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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. Or a pair of wire snips.
  2. Picture please.
  3. Same offer here too! I'll let you pratice on mine first.
  4. It's more like the flat area that the hood latches bolt to hit the inner headlight panels that goes between the fenders and radiator support. Then when I pull the top back to line the bolts up that go under the hood welting it kicks the bottom out.
  5. And doesn't change his own tires. Hehehe
  6. Thanks. I had the passenger side fender off and the radiator out. The driverside fender appears to be 2 or 3 peiced together. I'm gonna start loosening things and start pulling and pushing. I can't really explain how it fits but pretty sure I can get it better.
  7. Is there a difference between my B67's grill shell and a standard B? I put the one I bought from a B42 on. It's on and looks ok but something don't fit quite right. Kinda hard to explain. Just figured I'd ask before I spent a lot of time loosening stuff and trying to realign.
  8. Should be about 2' longer. Looks a little short.
  9. Couldn't of welded to much it would have messed up the valve stem. I new a guy that used aluminum rv stabalizer stands as jack stands for a long time.
  10. Did that the other week rushing kids to basketball pratice. I couldn't find my keys anywhere. The kids laughing finally told me they where in my hand.
  11. Neat looking truck.
  12. Stay south! It's cold up here.
  13. Hey everybody here is a good sport. Glad it was a simple fix once figured out. I've done a lot of extra head scratching before just to find a simple issue like this. I'm sure most on here have as well. Good work.
  14. I read it that it was repowered with a v-8 from a1956 Packard car. I think that is the automotive style radiator.
  15. I'm thinking it would be nice to not hit my elbo of the back wall when shifting.
  16. Strictly my opionion but...If its going to be used like that you defiantly do not want to be second guessing anything in the drive train.
  17. Do you want the lower first gear for a parade gear? Or a working gear. There is a different outcome between the two uses.
  18. I'd like to turn my back wall inside out and weld it back in.
  19. Looks like the same dog house my b67 has. Only difference I see is it has the flat back and not the contour cab.
  20. When my dad would build small cam cummins back in the day they would use an offset key to retard the cam timing. Made for better running but harder starting on cloudy days. I think someone mentioned before double check the timing while your at it.
  21. 50 acres of feild north of my house, and About 20 south of me. To my east is a retired diesel mechanic then my patents. And to my west I really don't care. They will get over it.
  22. I only saved this part the the picture but somewhere on here is the rest of it with the demensions of the B series. The 67 could have flat or contour cab
  23. Take the rubber plug out the end of the maxi brake and see if the spring is ok. I've had them break and get turned sideways keeping the break from fully releasing.
  24. Wet sand paper with wd40 as the lube works very well.
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