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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. That's a nice calculator to use.
  2. Nice load of steamers.
  3. Personally I'd like to see the kw next to it too
  4. No answers, but some ideas anyway. Are you sucking an intake hose or boot shut starving it for air? If your fuel lines are a few years old they where from your other motor. Is the suction line big enough for the turbo motor during a pull? When it acts up what does it do if you take your foot off the throttle for a few seconds then get back in it?
  5. I've had my B for 2 yrs now and been on here ever since. I only live about 1 1/2 hr from Lititz and plan on making it next year. Does it ever not rain for there show?
  6. Our work trucks are shut off at 63. Some days it feels like your gonna get run over. My B should run right around 60 my air ride cutoff has 430 gears and I have 12r22.5 drives with a direct duplex.
  7. I'm not sure where exactly but he was getting on a ramp and you where going the other way. It was sometime around there he bobtailed down to get a trailer so he could sleep in today. Its really encouraging to hear how much "you guys" run these trucks. I know driving mine last week really wanted me to hurry up and get mine going.
  8. Did you come home through Harrisburg on Sunday? My dad passed an old red cabover single axle. I showed him your pic and he figured it was you.
  9. Back in the day I can't say but when my dad bought his 2000 kw he got a signature 600 and it has a chrome valve cover and elbow coming out of the turbo. Think it was $1000-$1500 option. The oil pan dosent really mean much to me, it could have just been specific to whatever the motor was in.
  10. I've also used the red and blue ones, black rubber ones, a combination of both. I think I have a fancy orange one now that I have no idea where it came from. If the glad hands fit together to loose some times you have to bend the outer steel peice a little to hold them together tighter. Where does your check valve on the wet tank go? I'm assumeing it's between the wet tank and supply tank. Is it leaking out of your exhaust on your air dryer? When my dads dryer went bad his leaked from there. I don't have an air dryer on my B and mine bleads back through my compressors air intake a little when I first shut the truck off. I haven't look into it yet but I'm guessing there is a sticky valve in the aircompressor head from sitting for so long.
  11. If I remember right my dad said they use to put an offset key to retard the cam timing to make them pull better.
  12. Going down the fine PA roads with an air ride outfit and the air compressor cycles every :10 minutes doesn't seem bad at all. Atleast in my opinion. I apologies if I miss read something but if its windy an air ride cab can drain the air tanks parked overnight.
  13. That's back when men where men.
  14. Did my wife tell you to say that? I've heard that before. Lol
  15. Yes they are 6". They will be 3' taller when truck leaves my garage (only a 8' door). No I didn't put a muffler on it. It has pretty mellow sound from the exhaust over all the other noise right now. I will deal with that once all the extra holes in the firewall are taken care of, and the dog house fits tight I'm just excited that I got to drive it finally. I would love to take a road trip to NJ someday to get a pic of it parked with the bi-plane, but that's not going to be any time soon.
  16. Thanks, I'm sure you noticed I didn't figure out what I'm doing with the bumper yet. I ran across the trl by luck. It was only a 2 owner, 35 ton, and has 8 almost new tires. About 4 layers of pealing paint is the worst part. It has 0 rust besides some very minor surface rust. It will also need 1 deck board once i start using it. I gave $4500 for it.
  17. I agree with the others. Maybe you can find a wrecked truck in a junk yard that has a good section of hood that you need.
  18. After about 1 1/2 yr in the garage I got the brakes plumbed today. And due to the fact I live in the middle of nowhere I had to try it out. it's still has no wiring, but I'm still smiling like a kid at Christmas. Truck drove nice and straight and rode pretty good. I'm on vacation this week and planned on getting a lot done but instead we are taking the kids to NJ go fly in this again...
  19. here's my outfit hooked up for the first time.
  20. Almost seems like your more exited to drive the mack then the car.
  21. http://harrisburg.craigslist.org/hvo/5779522206.html No connection
  22. You can all make fun of me but the best car I ever owned was a 1991 ford festiva. I beat that car for 11 years back and forth to work. I literarily ran the shit out of it, and it never missed a beat. It got 40+ mpg and other then the occasional oil changes the car took nothing, It still had the same battery in it the day it left. When it was time to go I made the guy come get one night after I left for work. So don't feel bad for being attached to a truck, I was to a festiva. Lol
  23. The biggest perc is not having to deal with check engine lights and emissions crap. And the BMT family is right along with it.
  24. What ya making with all the corn? If you put it in plastic jugs and are willing to ship ups I'll take some. It's pretty hot and we get pretty thirsty.
  25. The biggest problem is a class 20 in pa is $1561.00 a year. Antique or classic is only a one time fee of $75. For a working truck there's no way around it. For a hobby truck it's hard to justify the cost.
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