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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. I was also told that technically if I'd haul something for someone else and they bought me lunch, drink, or fuel that is considered compensation and making it illegal. I couldn't haul my kubota to your house and dig a flower bed for either, if u paid me anything. But... "freinds can help either out". for free. They are pretty strict with the rules I guess because its only a one time fee to get antique or classic tags. But like any law it's all left open for the person enforcing its opinion .
  2. In Pa I'm not "allowed" to hual my antique tractors to a tractor pull if there's any type of cash payout. Ribbons and trophy a are ok but no $.
  3. Will you adopt me?
  4. What is the thing sticking the front of my fuel pump?
  5. where there's smoke there's fire. After being tore apart for longer then planned I started the truck for the first time tonight. I made up new battery cables and got the new plastic fuel lines ran with a spin on cummins filter. I had put a 39mt starter on about ? months ago. I didn't get the wiring harness installed yet so I ran a jumper to the solinoid. It only cranked a short time and fired right up. Only issue I found so far is the fan belt closest to the fan turned inside out. The 6" stacks gave it a pretty nice sound in my opinion. Hopefully getting it started got me excited enough to get on the ball and finish it up.
  6. The truck I drive for work is shut off at 63. Unfortunately I kinda got use to that.
  7. I'm not a big jeep fan, but yes this one is quite nice. You don't happen to have a pic of the front end do you?
  8. what kind of air cleaner is this? Retro fit or home made? Some type of dry filter upgrade.
  9. The R was sitting along the fence row at the end of the shop. I haven't seen it for quite some time. Hopefully it's getting taken care of. It looked like a really nice project.
  10. Yep. I think he's somewhere in my travels.
  11. 1976! I wasn't born until the end of 79.
  12. I never understood why people liked day shift. Its 10:45 I'm at home looking out the window telling myself I should go mow my yard. Then I look out the other window and see my garage where my mack is and think I should go there instead. "Normal" people are all stuck at there jobs and I'm at home all day enjoying the beautiful sunshine and humidity.
  13. Oh no then I would have to deal with people! I deliver to 13 grocery stores. Some with a liftgate on there front porch and some at there docks. Last place I want to be is in front of a store during the daytime with a 53' trl. 15yrs of doing the same job I kinda have myself convinced that I like night shift.
  14. There are some neat macks in the area. About 2 years ago "I think" there was a nice looking R model sitting behind a garage just south of Bethel on 501. It looked like a really neat project it had a small sleeper with a polished diamond tuck rear panel on it. It had stacks and full fenders laying on the deck plate. Again it was around 2-3am when going by and never got to see it. There is also supposed to be an allusive black superliner in the area that likes to do burnouts but I haven't ran across that one yet.
  15. I have seen a superliner with a small bunk in it there but couldn't tell if anyone was living in it or not. It's usually between 12:30 and 2:00 am when I go buy so I don't really like snooping around.
  16. I know nothing about it. This morning was the first I've seen it. Sorry for the bad pics but it was 1:30am and my truck was parked on the road.
  17. Does anyone have a pic of the brockway handy? I'd like to see.
  18. I'm just baffled someone can rember all this! I have a hard enough time remembering if I turned the lights off.
  19. I ran a single axle mack for around 12 years hauling bread grossing around 45,000 with a 48' tandem trl. Through corporate take overs I do the same thing now except with a new twin screw freightliner and super singles. the single axle had more road wonder then the screw, but I Didn't really notice it at the time. In PA a single axle tractor with a 2 axle trailer is aloud 73,280. With 3 axles either on a single trailer or a set of doubles 80,000. When I went through the process of getting the title for my b-67 we wrote it up for a combination weight of 73280 wich it will never see.
  20. If 1 turbo worked good i bet 2 would work better. If upgrading it would be the perfect time to give it a little extra "cool" factor.
  21. Guy I work with says his garage is so full he has to go outside to change his mind.
  22. It has to have been since 2000 based on the ford in the background.
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