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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. Out of all the bunks people put on superliners I think your westernstar one fits the truck the best.
  2. Got both sides trimmed and fitted up. My buddy is gonna come and weld the 2 halves together Saturday. The visor was a 8" aluminum peterbilt off a 359 I think.
  3. "They" always say good things take time. I'm hoping its true because some of my projects are going to be absolutely amazing when they get finished. "Some day"
  4. I like that style door. Really classes it up.
  5. Was it a teamster truck, and at 4:30 it's done for the day?
  6. I know exactly what your saying. Work always seams to get in the way for me too.
  7. You may not have to shine stuff. My wife would kill me if she new she was in a pic of my truck on here. Lol
  8. Thanks, Air cleaner is a nelson from a freightliner classic. My buddy found a shorter filter and shortened the can around 3 1/2"
  9. While waiting on some electrical supplies I started working on my sun visor. I'm only in mock up but so far I'm pretty happy the way things are fitting.
  10. Looks good but, Where are the rest of the pictures? The model is standing in the background with her boots, cutoffs, ands matching black tank top. We all know she had her pic taken with the truck.
  11. I think the big steering tires defiantly give it a cool look.
  12. Ok thanks. That's what I was thinking, but for some reason I had in my head that you don't fuse them. I figure a lot of people will be following me "to get a better look of course" so better give them a few extra lights.
  13. I'm going to run headlights through 2 relays. 1 for high beam and 1 for low. Do I put a fuse in the main power for the relays? For some reason I'm thinking you don't put fuses in headlight circuits.
  14. Just testing with jumper cables now but I finally started! just marker lights. everything including back up.
  15. Someone told my dad they on his model for 2 years
  16. Getting there. Got battery's installed with disconnect switch. New cross braces under hood made. New hoses and clampswith 2 shutoff valves for easy installation of heater someday. Tool box on driverside of frame mounted. Got most or original wiring removed so its easier to start from scratch.
  17. Running plastic fuel lines to and from the fuel tank on my B. It has a 673n/a what sizes should I run? Smaller diameter on return side to aid in building pressure in pump? 5/8" supply and 1/2" return seams pretty big. Maybe 1/2" and 3/8"?
  18. Just need to mount a pole with a bracket to the sun visor. For entertainment purposes. Since the red lights are already in the grille.
  19. Pretty sure it's been listed on here before. Add says $17900
  20. Thanks. Does it reheat the blacktop too?
  21. Looks good but 1 question. What's the thing you dump into before the paver? I see them in Pa on state jobs too.
  22. I agree with you both. The boys won't get any running seat time on either of these for a long time. I don't like the case at all. It dosent have any type of break just a neutral spot in the hydraulic throttle. If trying to stop and you move the handle just a little to far its going the other way. Then when you correct that its going the other way at the snap of a finger again. Unsafe design in my mind. I don't think my dads going to keep that one around very long. As for the loader it's designed that getting pinched would be difficult but its definay not a toy that's for sure.
  23. I will let you take turns parking two at my place. That way when you get sick of polishing aluminum wheels you can come and switch trucks.
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