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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. Sterling's have a 5 hole aluminum wheel if you wanta modern wheel to use.
  2. I'm gonna get a couple for my B then!
  3. Back when I helped a couple buddy's build lifted pickups one guy did this. There was 2 types of rims he liked so he bought 2 of each. Ran one style on passenger side and other pair on driveside. Personally go for the aluminum buds I like them.
  4. And I thought the engine of my b67 was mashed in there. Atleast mines in a straight line.
  5. 1965 I tried turning my phone off. That's my first thing to do when I get messed up. Willie that worked I changed from the standard default to the flux default and that fixed it. Thanks!
  6. This is how my titles look and make it hard to figure out. What did I do?
  7. It was alot harder to load to bring them back home. I had to rember how they fit and everyone was watching in amazement that I was doing it with a single wheel truck. Alot of people with dually's and only 1 tractor. I ran across a scale it was 28,560. This was the first time since I had this pickup that the 8.1 gas job was a little short on power. Otherwise handled it great. Now back to Mack school.
  8. wish I would of had the Mack ready for this trip. A farmall H, johndeere B, & A Plus 2000# of extra weights 2 spare tires and a 20 ton bottle jack. And an extra gas can.
  9. Honey I'm taking the boat down to the lake to go fishing with my buddy's. I'll be home????????
  10. My dad tried to add Lucas in his 5 speed chevy pickup transmission when he changed it and it was to thick. It was real stiff to shift especially on cold mornings.
  11. They haven't used the mack since the first load. The changed the driveway do traction isn't an issue.
  12. http://www.powermag.com/coal-fired-sunbury-power-plant-gives-way-to-gas/
  13. After 3 delays the first of 30 some loads is underway. My wife took the kids to go watch it get underway tonight. I must have married a good one to go do that while I'm at work. The load is "supposed" to be 16' wide, 18' tall, and 204' long. The gross weight is "supposed" to be 700,000 pounds. The mack was only used to get it out of the stone rail yard and into the road. There was a westernstar hooked to each end in route.
  14. http://www.thedieselgarage.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=11787d=1187814018 I found this link with pictures. It is the 2 nuts I thought. While looking in this part of the pump I still don't understand what's going on. Or what I'm really adjusting but I'm glad others do.
  15. The 2 nuts to the right of the picture right? Back the one on the left side of the arm off then tighten the nut on the right of the arm back against the first nut.
  16. Thanks for all the ideas and advice. This is the part that i can and have done before, but its just overwhelming to look at it. I've rewired several trailers and I have used waterproof junction boxes. I like that style box it's more sleek compared to what I've used before. When I rewired my gooseneck I used a heavy extension cord. I ran it from the front junction box to the taillight box in the rear. The cord made for a neat and easy installation.
  17. Been working on fuel and water lines. I'm easing into the air lines. Got the stacks hooked up, air cleaner installed, and passenger side toolbox mounted. I'm still trying to figure out which way to go on the wiring and how many circuit kit Im going to need.
  18. I think we are all kids at heart. Just with bigger toys.
  19. Yes I agree thanks! I will sit in the truck and read this to figure it out.
  20. Hobert is just a dumb nickname my uncle started. Robert is my actual name so all is good. I think a standard B cab would be much roomier then the contour cab. Another issue with the b67 is the engine dog house comes back the floor pretty far. You add the doghouse coming from the front and the back wall being pushed in from the rear you loose alot of realastate inside.
  21. I just saw a flyer for this show hanging in a shop, and it does appear different then what I remember. I think there was a B model pictured on the flyer amongst other brands. It may be different then what I remember.
  22. If I take 2 tractors with 1,000 pounds of suitcase weights on each one I'm grossing right around 25,000. I'm down about 6mpg. Thankfully I don't go very far, but when it only goes 175 miles on a tank it goes quick.
  23. Ok we will go with the 1/2 turn. In my head that just doesn't seam like much, but then again I don't really under stand what's going on. The garage guy that made my aero quip lines up said that a 1/2 turn makes a big difference in a cat. I guess the two are somewhat similar. Thanks all.
  24. How much is really cranked it up? A half turn doesn't seem like much, but i haven't opened it up yet to understand whats going on fully either. Im use to bad gas millage my pickup is down in the single digits pretty far when hooked to the trailer and only about 10-11 driving it like a car. It's 496ci of pure gas chugging muscle.
  25. In here? Are they just basically jam nuts? Thanks
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