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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. I was really disappointed when I first saw this. Really nice pictures in all but still disappointed. Then I scrolled down a little further and it all got better again.
  2. Thanks. That's kinda what I was thinking. And I haven't got to the bumper yet.
  3. Here's a marmon in pa on craigslist for awhile http://harrisburg.craigslist.org/hvo/5608747211.html
  4. I'm saving this post! That may make wife happier with what's in my b67
  5. I broke the end off one while removing the radiator last week. Thought about just welding a bolt to the end of it and calling it good enough. Mine are all bent like pretzels in different directions so I thought about just making a new set. "I'm kinda weird about things being the same from one side to the other". Any pictures of them from a b67? Are they nice straight rods or bent like this for a reason.
  6. Talk that guy into making a calendar. I would gladly pay for one, and I'm sure quite a few others would too.
  7. Front seal is currently a "national 411275R" It's outside is 4 1/4"
  8. Do a quick ebay search for aluminum or stainless air tank. A bunch of new stuff shows up for a decent price
  9. Yes you run the truck pretty far to have something that gives you a funny feeling.
  10. Ok found the motor mount rubber thing at watts for $60
  11. 2 more questions. Why is the fan not made symmetrical? What do I have to do to change the front motor mount? Do I just replace the rubber or do I have to find the entire cast piece that bolts to frame? Mine is shot and the motor is just sitting in the bottom of it, with some marks where the pulley rubs the crossmember sometimes.
  12. Are you sure the noises are getting louder or is it just your head playing games with you after reading all the stories about how the old tranny won't hold up? I know the voices in my head are pretty damn presisten some times.
  13. I did look at Barry's on my phone but didn't see anything. I think they had the rear one listed.
  14. Ok thank you. I figured it shouldn't be to hard to come up with, but wanted to make sure before I dug in to deep
  15. How available is the front crankshaft oil seal for my 1963 b67 with a 673 na. Mine leaks when the truck is running. So while front is off truck and I plan on replacing hoses figured I'd just pull radiator and replace seal. I haven't check into it alot but figured I'd ask here first.
  16. I agree with all the rest. It's been about 15 years for me and I'm only 1 hour away.
  17. The name sounded familiar but I couldn't remember from where.
  18. I think that's a Pennsylvania coal hualer special edition. Light weight model.
  19. http://harrisburg.craigslist.org/hvo/5593560690.html
  20. http://harrisburg.craigslist.org/hvo/5589394430.html
  21. Did you get a box mounted? Just courious how it turned out for you.
  22. X3. I like the aluminum radiator/grill surround
  23. Land scaping around a garage? Isn't that what roundup was made to take care of?
  24. Front fenders had lots if previous body work over there life. Some with fiberglass some with bondo and some with pop rivits and patches. I took the da sander and smoothed everything out with 80 grit paper. Then went to harborfreight to grab a gallon of their truck bed coating. I finished it about 3am this morning and I'm very happy with the results. It gave a nice finish kinda like a vinyl top on a car, helped hide the body work imperfections, and gave a nice uniform finish. As a bedliner it would be a joke but as a heavyduty paint I'm happy with the results.
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