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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Hobert62

  1. I tried it on my working truck and found the same result. I have 15 grocery stores a night I deliver to with only short trips in between. I like it on the mirrors but wouldn't get going fast enough for wind to keep windshield clear. Then wipers would smear.
  2. If they are only spot welded inplace it may be worth the effort to grind the welds off.
  3. In a twin screw the most important part I feel would be getting the 2 drive axles square to each other. If its a longer wheel base truck the drives could "probably" be up to a 1/2" off from the steering axle and not have much of a noticeable affect. If the drives are off "to much" compared to the steering it would give u a crab walk affect going down the road. If drives are fighting each other. Tires wouldn't last long
  4. Always thought about building something like this. Just would have to be a 4 door.
  5. Did you get any racing in?
  6. Hope you remembered to get a bottle of rain-x. If your still heading east weather looks wet
  7. That's the way I'm leaning towards.
  8. Like Johnny Cash said one peice at a time.
  9. http://williamsport.craigslist.org/hvo/5557004079.html No connection
  10. I'm guessing its a different manifold then the b61. I'd like to see a picture of a turbo b67 if anyone has one. Back to original question a b series 5.9 cummins would prob fit since its only 360 cubic inch. If you'd step up to the 8.3 prob run back into body clearence issues. Overhaul would prob be most practical option.
  11. What will it take for exhaust manifold? I don't think a standard one will clear turbo will it?
  12. I don't think the 466 will fit. On our b67 the motor is tucked into a dog house already. If I remember phantom309 had to put dog house into his and he had a standard length hood. I think he used a sink if I rember. Also the motor is set in leaning to the right to make room for the drivers feet. I think you will run into turbo clearence issues. From what I've been told they did make turbo b67's so it is possible with the proper tools. ( torch & welder)
  13. Your B is really sharp. I'd really like to see a pic of the passenger side of it to see your air cleaner. I think I gave $100-150 for the one I used.
  14. this was before we shortened it. It looked ok but it was out of proportion.
  15. I have a stainless one off a freightliner classic. It's the Nelson not Donaldson. My buddy crossed filters over and found one about 3" shorter. Then he cut the welds and shortened the housing. Also had to weld a new neck on it. I don't tig weld so its at his shop now. This is the only pic I have right now.
  16. Hobert62

    Mack b67t

    I figured he sat it in and realized how small the cab was inside. Then I realized it was a standard cab not a contour like mine. :-(
  17. Defiantly cool to see. There must be alot of mack fans in that area. Look at them lined up following him just to get a better look.
  18. Very sad but true. Hopefully they speak English that you can understand.
  19. 24" seems kind small. These fit nice under my B cab. I just had to do a little trimming and make my own brackets. I wouldn't of had to but I wanted to suck them in close so the bottom step wouldn't stick way out past the front fender.
  20. My dad had a new not reman signature series cummins put in his kw and it never left cummins shop it blew up on the dyno. From what they could tell a rod bearing was put in upside down. Quality in general is sadly a thing of the past.
  21. It's between 30"-31" wide depending where you measure. And it's 29" deep from the very back of the mounting flange to the very front of the bottom step. 15" tall The steps on my dads KW are bigger but he left already so I can't measure them. They are taller and wider.
  22. Pete, kenworth, and freightliner each have there own style step/box. In my opinion a 379 Pete has the nicest and simplest style. It just hangs off the frame on 2 heavy angle iron peices, so it's easy to adjust where you need it. But they are a little $ just because of the name. sorry about the fence but the one on right is toolbox and left is battery box. I found the pair for $300
  23. I've looked at the universal harnesses online and thought that would be a good starting point.
  24. I've heard old guys around here say "if it ain't one of those ceramic things you gots to sit there with the breaks on and slip it in. Or its gonna slip."
  25. I decided to include a little extra procrastination time to allow for some people that don't seem to give the mandatory time required. I'm trying to keep the man gods happy for us all. I finally turned the corner and its now time to start putting back together. I'm still dreading the wiring and plumbing, but I'm atleast going in the right direction. No body work yet everythings pretty solid,but I will be driving it this summer, thanks to the vast knowledge that's shared around here.
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