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Everything posted by mackr1989

  1. will 33 mm lug nut covers fit over 1 1/4" lug nuts?
  2. say for example a mack has a 400 motor which is 400 hp to the wheels. what does a cat put out to the wheels with say a 550 at the flywheel?
  3. how do you get more hp out of a 2000 rd with a 400?
  4. picked up a 2000 rd688sx 10 wheeler dump the other day with a 400 etech and 18 speed. it has a lot of power but was wondering if there's anything i should be aware of with this engine. also noticed from a distance while looking at the truck from the front and back that its leaning towards the passenger side which makes me kind of nervous. there arent any noticeable broken suspension parts and the tires on the drivers side definitely have more tread but it looks like it its leaning above the frame rails. any thoughts?
  5. i need a second heavy spec 10 wheeler and want a granite but theyre hard to find in the northeast with 58 rears. id like to just buy a granite triaxle, take whatever rears it has right out, shorten the frame and put 58s in it. is this possible to do? will the frame allow this?
  6. I have a 2007 mack granite with a 400. How do I get more hp out of the engine?
  7. mass allows 73000 as a registered gvw so it is legal as far as weight goes but I wasn't sure if triaxles were somehow constructed differently such as frame strength for example. the truck would be shortened so a 14 ft body would fit.
  8. can you take a triaxle granite dump truck that has 46 rears and swap for 58s and make it into a 10 wheeler dump?
  9. I need the poles. Just don't know which to get.
  10. Does anyone know how to install the small Mack dogs that mount to bumper guide poles?
  11. What about transmission and rear end oil changes?
  12. we have an 89 rd690sx ten wheeler dump. it has a 300 8 speed 18 front 58 rears and runs heavy and does idle a lot. how often should components be adjusted and fluids changed?
  13. our 89 rd690sx ten wheeler dump has a 300 with 8 speed mack trans. the rpms will only go as high as 1800. someone told me the 690 series was a municipal spec truck and the engine it has was designed to run vacuums or pumps and things like that. our 88 is an r688 and the rpms go as high as 2200. is what i was told about our 89 690 true?
  14. We have an 89 rd690sx 10 whlr dump truck that has an 18k front and 58k rears. The front axle has 3 springs and sits rather low. I want to add a spacer to the front springs but don't know if I should go with a 3 inch or 4. I want more ground clearance and I'd like it to sit tall but I don't want it to look like it's leaning backwards. Which size should I go with?
  15. Can you straight pipe a brand new Mack without doing any damage to the truck itself? Is it even legal to do this?
  16. Can you turn a 300 econodyne into a 350? And if so, how?
  17. Can you turn a 300 econodyne into a 350? And if so, how?
  18. 88 r model leaks air through the gladhands when I hit the brake pedal in the cab. it does this when our trailer is not connected and the trailer brake knob is locked.
  19. They're out there but are also project trucks. I'm not looking to restore something..just transform it I guess.
  20. Not where I'm from. They rarely pop up every once in a while and it would be far easier to just get a triaxle and make it a 10 wheeler. rd triaxles are everywhere.
  21. I wanted to buy a clean rd triaxle which will probably have a 44 or 46 rear and make it into a 10 wheeler with 58s. I don't know if it's as easy as that.
  22. Which bolt pattern is different?
  23. I'm looking to build a heavy 10 wheeler out of an rd triaxle. I want to buy one with a 20 front and get 58 rears for it. My only question is are the frames the same between a regular rd and an rdsx? I'm doing this because clean rd sx 10 wheelers are so hard to find.
  24. 88 6 wheeler with a crd117 differential screeches when rear axle is on uneven terrain. It makes the same sound as a pto when it's trying to engage. It does this loaded and unloaded. The noise sounds like it's coming from the differential. What could this be?
  25. How much would it cost to have a dynatard or engine brake installed in an 88 r model with a 250?
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