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Everything posted by mackr1989

  1. It picks up somewhat slow but if you rev the motor it picks up fine. It lifts twice is fast at idle speed than it does when you Rev the motor and turn it.
  2. I got an 11 foot power angle plow for my 6 wheeler. It's overly built but will never break so it's heavy but really slow when it's turned from side to side even when I Rev the motor. Is it supposed to be this way or are my hoses to small or could I have a worn out hyd pump?
  3. What do the digits in a mack r model number mean? What about the granite too?
  4. What are frame Ramos used for?
  5. it has a 12 front with an 11 foot plow. i just want the aluminum look and plus theyre easier to work with. Preferences§1234567890-=Backspace Tabqwertyuiop[] Return capslockasdfghjkl;'\ shift`zxcvbnm,./shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский altalt Preferences
  6. Preferences § 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = Backspace Tab q w e r t y u i o p [ ] Return capslock a s d f g h j k l ; ' \ shift ` z x c v b n m , . / shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский alt alt Preferences
  7. Preferences§1234567890-=Backspace Tabqwertyuiop[] Return capslockasdfghjkl;'\ shift`zxcvbnm,./shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский altalt Preferencesand what is the difference between aluminum budd and aluminum hub pilot wheels.
  8. Preferences§1234567890-=Backspace Tabqwertyuiop[] Return capslockasdfghjkl;'\ shift`zxcvbnm,./shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский altalt Preferencestruck is an 87 r model with 22.5 spoked wheels. could i upgrade to 24's without changing the hubs. and how much work would it be to convert the hubs for spoked wheels to aluminum buds.
  9. It has a 6 speed low hole
  10. Our 88 r690 makes a grinding/squeeling sound coming from either the transmission or clutch while loaded when backing up steep hills. It continues to steadily move without slowing down or stopping. What could this be?
  11. Does anyone know the equation to figure out speed?
  12. Preferences Preferencwewe're getting a 30k rear axle for our 6 wheel dump. it currently has 22.5 rubber, 6 speed low hole tranny, 250 motor and differential ratio of 4.00. it tops out at about 62 mph at 2100 rpms. i can get this axle with either a 3.90 or a 4.10. it often pulls a 20 ton tag. will the 3.90 add more speed and if so how much? how much lower end power will we lose? the only thing im worried about with the 4.10 is it will be to slow. i know either ratio is only a 10th higher or lower than what we have. i just want to know which would be best. the axle is complete and our 22.5 wheels will fit. Preferences§1234567890-=Backspace Tabqwertyuiop[] Return capslockasdfghjkl;'\ shift`zxcvbnm,./shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский altalt Preferences
  13. It's has 6 new 22.5s
  14. Preferences Preferencesi found a 29k axle today. along with the axle also comes springs and brakes but it doesnt have any gears in the differential. truck has a 250 with 6 speed low hole. i need to have gears installed in the differential but dont know what i want for a ratio. its a 6 wheeler thats going to carry loads in its 12 foot body and pull a 20 ton tag. what would a good ratio be? Preferences§1234567890-=Backspace Tabqwertyuiop[] Return capslockasdfghjkl;'\ shift`zxcvbnm,./shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский altalt Preferences
  15. How do you adjust an air ride cab on an 88 r model
  16. I can't find one used and I don't think a new axle from mack will fit will it?
  17. Preferences§1234567890-=Backspace Tabqwertyuiop[] Return capslockasdfghjkl;'\ shift`zxcvbnm,./shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский altalt Preferenceswe have an 88 r600 single axle dump with a 23k rear axle. id like to install the heaviest available. what would that be and where can i find one. distance doesnt matter.
  18. Preferences§1234567890-=Backspace Tabqwertyuiop[] Return capslockasdfghjkl;'\ shift`zxcvbnm,./shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский altalt Preferenceswhats the difference between a cv and gu model and the numbers after the letters.
  19. Preferences Preferenceswe have a 79 acar 10 wheeler dc9964 with an 8LL. has a 20k front and 58k rear. it tops out at about 65 mph at 2100 rpms. what could this have for a gear ratio and how would i figure it out. Preferences§1234567890-=Backspace Tabqwertyuiop[] Return capslockasdfghjkl;'\ shift`zxcvbnm,./shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский altalt Preferences
  20. Ok that answers my question then. Why should it not have a 6 speed matched with an econodyne
  21. It has an econodyne. Does that matter?
  22. Preferences§1234567890-=Backspace Tabqwertyuiop[] Return capslockasdfghjkl;'\ shift`zxcvbnm,./shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский altalt Preferencesyea i understand lol..youre right..being in 5 high then going to 5 low is like being in 4th but not quite the same. the engine speed is more compatible with road speed with splitting then just going into 4th like i said and you would have to race the engine to get to 4th whereas just going to 5 low gets you that half gear feeling. i hope im the one making sense now..i guess you would have to drive it and is it ok to do this?
  23. Preferences Prefi dont know when the change was made but i like being able to shift this transmission the way im describing. Preferences§1234567890-=Backspace Tabqwertyuiop[] Return capslockasdfghjkl;'\ shift`zxcvbnm,./shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский altalt Preferences
  24. Preferences§1234567890-=Backspace Tabqwertyuiop[] Return capslockasdfghjkl;'\ shift`zxcvbnm,./shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский altalt Preferencesyes it has 5 gears on the main stick and reverse, low and direct on the compound stick.
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