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    Beaufort, SC

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  1. The engine has de-rated. You have a stop engine code for something, probably emissions related, and until that's fixed, it won't run.
  2. Not my favorite place, but it opens up some options.
  3. 400 RPM has been my experience on 10 speeds, and 200 RPM with 13 speeds. 10th to 9th would be the same as 13th to 11th. I run spot market freight in 47 states. The 2012 truck will open up California to me. Weights are always different, but nothing that puts me over 80K.
  4. How did you know it needed a whole can? It may have needed a little, but adding the whole thing caused it to be overcharged. Too much refrigerant will cause more problems than too little.
  5. I'm looking at a '12 Mack Pinnacle with an MP8, 10 speed, and 3.36 gears. It's a 445 horsepower engine but the salesman doesn't know more than that. I'd guess a 445C, but until I get my hands and eyes on it, I don't know for sure. It seems that during those times I drive 55mph, the engine will be turning at 1125 RPM in 10th, and 1525 RPM in 9th. Is 1125 too low to run for extended periods of time? Is 1525 too high for decent fuel mileage? I know the Mack is good at handling low RPMs, but for an extended amount of time? I'm trying to get some clarification before I take time off and take a trip to go see it. Thanks in advance.
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