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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by ranchhopper

  1. I need to rebuild the power steering pump on my superliner same type of pump do they make a rebuild kit for them mine leaks the oil down into the compressor if it sits for a long time.
  2. Looks like an old aluminum framed Hayward built truck.
  3. One of the best cars ever made. My dad had Ramblers all through the 60s and 70s. They ran forever. He took care of them and they never let him down.
  4. I always thought those valueliners were one of the best looking trucks on the road.
  5. I run the lines like they were run when I got the truck it only had spring brakes on the rear axle used the same line and split it with a T they had a distribution valve the spring brakes and service brakes came out of Which I eliminated because I ran the service brakes from a single valve instead of splitting it with one valve per axle.
  6. Its coming out both quick release valves I figure there may be a bad diaphram or something wrong with one of the chambers.
  7. I just added spring brakes to both axles on the rear of the superliner now I have a bit of air coming out of the quick release valves when the brakes are released.
  8. Does anyone know if they make a conversion U-Joint for big trucks I know they make them for pickups and one ton size trucks. I have a much bigger yoke on the front axle of the camelback suspension I replaced the reyco with in the superliner I have to have the driveshaft retubed to lengthen it next week. I have both driveshafts from both trucks the original from the superliner which is probably an inch narrower than the one that came off the truck the axles came from trying to pinch pennies looking for the best route to go.
  9. Have not gotten the torque rods in yet but the rest is done some more pictures.
  10. They are adjustable too turn them one way or another to tighten or loosen them.
  11. I have a few old mechanic friends who always said there's no replacement for displacement.
  12. I found a place that wants $112 each for the buckets I would cut my own bezels out of aluminum diamond plate for the conversion those sun yellowed plastic headlights suck I would like my work to convert mine I'm going to have a talk with our shop manager.
  13. Does anyone have a source for the aluminum air line tee's that are bolted to a bracket on the top of the carriers on the rear axles there is two per axle one for spring brakes and one for the service brakes.
  14. The frame had the original paint scuffed up so the POR-15 will adhere to it and all the spots that were bonded were sandblasted so it was prepped pretty well POR-15 is not UV resistant so it needs to be top coated usually works pretty well for me besides you need a good hardner in the topcoat or it will be affected by solvents and brake cleaner.
  15. Price fixing is the norm in the fuel market on a smaller scale it happens here every weekend every station in town goes up 15-30 cents a gallon just about every Thursday. Funny thing is not all of them get a delivery on Thursday same gas they were selling the rest of the last week just added the extra to it but every station in town is the exact same price on weekends so price fixing happens here every weekend. Add that to the state grant our cops got now the state pays them to stand at busy intersections and look into your car to make sure your seat belt in on got checked last weekend at 5;15 AM on a sunday morning on my way out hunting two cops standing there and no traffic burning up grant money that we pay for in tax money.
  16. I finally got rid of the original axles and reyco suspension everything is stripped off the frame from the fuel tanks back I primed everything with POR-15 and gave it a coat of black enamel paint. The aluminum frame had some severe electrolysis under the spring hangers, equalizers and fifth wheel frame which were ground down and sandblasted the had filler put in to level things out. I can still see where the spring hangers were but no where near as bad as it was I have to roll the camelback suspension under it after it dries then shim it and bolt it tight.
  17. They could have least tried to get the overspray off the tires from repainting the rims the frame has been repainted too lots of alarm bells go off when reading the description and then looking at the truck.
  18. I found that anti squeak rubber channel in mack packages they wont sell it in less than 50 packs at once 558 dollars for 50.
  19. Theres a twin to that truck up for auction on the purple wave right now probably the other one for sale where you got yours.
  20. I would love to switch it over to a mechanical engine fuel is filled at noon most days so no problem there either.
  21. I saw a stark truck at I90 and 47 with a state cop behind him on the exit ramp and I'm pretty sure he wasn't giving him the safe driver of the day award. He was pulling a grain trailer just more revenue enhancement for the great state of Illinois. Speaking of revenue enhancement our town cops were standing at the busiest intersection in town running up and down the lines of cars looking for the dreaded seat belt violation. Its pretty funny how the job of a policeman has regressed to looking into stopped cars to get into ones pocket for not wearing a seatbelt on a street with a 30 MPH speed limit.
  22. Truck is a pleasure to be in air works good and it rides nice its a little slow on the take off but I'm happy with it I get a lot of compliments on it as I see people I know.
  23. I really like the south of the border brokers who haul for plote and other big outfits 45 miles an hour if your lucky on the hour clock so no hurry.
  24. If it were a teamster truck we would have sold it because it would have been used to less work for more money they don't roll that way at our company.
  25. Doesn't matter when it is started 5 AM or 4 PM still happens at the same time.
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