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Coenut last won the day on August 14 2019

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About Coenut

  • Birthday 04/28/1982


  • Location
    Covington township pa

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  • My Truck
    1980 Mack R700 1953 Kenworth cc825
  • Interests
    Annoying the wife with trucks and golf.
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Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. If its not cracked. It will clean up very well with Sem soap. Any auto body shop will sell it. Works like magic.
  2. Great work. Sure is a labor of love.
  3. Your talking about the paint protection? I would think you would not want any wax or ceramic coating on the paint before lettering. But that's me. I would definitely do it on a new truck. But do it yourself not the dealer.
  4. Almost looks like a hydraulic brake line bracket.
  5. Congratulations
  6. It's a 53 with a 220 cummins 5x3 trans
  7. Ricky thank you for letting me know. Since the post I made a spur of the moment kw purchase.
  8. If you screw the thumb screw all the way in it will run. You may have a faulty solenoid. One wire is correct.
  9. Restoration specialties has all of that. Even some with the stainless bead. They are fantastic and will send you samples to verify for before you buy lengths. I used them for the doors on my r model. I have a set of workers that I bought from watts of you need.
  10. I have used Eastwood and did not like it. Por-15 is great, but the prep is key.
  11. Where are you located. I'll take the tanks.
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