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Everything posted by Dieseldriver65

  1. I can agree with that,had a NEW engine all pro built lock up years ago. Oil flow was stopped/slowed somehow.
  2. Do they have a completely different assembly line for the export trucks?The few people I know who had them had nothing but troubles.They got incredible deals on them at first,but they were soon sorry for going with them.
  3. Just curious,how many cans of either have been run through the engine?
  4. Nothing in general.Still looking for a hobby truck,latest one I looked at has a very tired natural 673.It runs but needs an overhaul.
  5. Are there any new parts made today to overhaul one of these engines?
  6. It has two sticks.I did know a guy with a B61 that had a 673 and straight 5 speed years ago all original.Only one i ever saw.
  7. No phobia of anything,just don't like or approve of that lifestyle.Sick of being told I have to accept it,I need to accept shit if I don't want to plain and simple.Glod bless America
  8. Just a fact of who you seem to be,not a label.As for your generation ''X'' being more like that,i'd say that has more to do with your location than anything.Have you ventured out of the Northeast?There's still quite a few of the younger generations being raised right and having the good traditional values this country was founded on.Within a few years I'll be headed South out of this overpriced liberal infested area
  9. Never said he didn't have a right to his beliefs,just that I was sorry to hear about them
  10. Sorry to hear of your liberal athiest beliefs,maybe someday you will see the light?
  11. Good for her,I have no sympathy for the rainbow crowd.
  12. That sure is a nice truck for the money,if it truly is rust free and has good mechanics.
  13. I prefer spokes on a Mack but it does look good both ways.
  14. Friend of my father had some late "70's models with non turbo Thermodynes.Many old timers would not buy turbo engines as they didn't see the need.More to maintain and more parts to replace.
  15. What a nice 755!I'd love to find a any decent 70 series,they just sell for too damn much these days.
  16. Boy that Thermodyne two stick U is neat.
  17. Makes sense if you want simplicity compared to the newer models .
  18. Sure wish that wasn't a concave cab,but still could be interested.What engine and trans?
  19. Didn't get any pics and the truck sold,wish i'd have jumped on it was a good deal.Bigdog feel free to post a few pictures of your set up if these guys can help.
  20. 25-30 driving down the road in the upper rpm's
  21. Coil or running out of fuel.
  22. Looked at a B61 with a natural 673.Engine runs great but hot only has 10/12 lbs of oil pressure at idle.Oil has not been changed in many years as it was sitting.Worse case are bottom end bearings available for 673's?
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