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Everything posted by diln911

  1. 1958 F.W.D I knew there would be someone out there!!! If everything we do is bolt on and can be put back without welding or cutting, then I feel better about it. As for the young body, it's actually the body off of the original chassis which was a 67 ford cabover, re chassied to the CF in 1984. I know it's rare, it was the first fire truck I ever rode on which is why I took it in and saved it. I want to keep it stock but give it a cool look, and if it's bolt on changes.... Who cares? I suspect even you would see it done and think it was neat. At least you'll know what it is when you see it and you can come yell at me in person!! thanks for everyone's help!!
  2. Vladislav, great point.. And that might be the exact thing I'm looking for. If it's bolt on I can keep everything and if someone ever wanted to put it back completely stock that is the route I would take. I'll definitely follow up on that lead!!
  3. So I should plan on scrapping both front and rear stock axles?
  4. 84 super dog, I'm really curious about what you are saying. I felt like this would have taken a serious amount of fabrication, and frame modification. The back seems pretty easy, but the front seemed harder. I figured I would have to notch the frame and raise the shock mounting points, and then fabricate the top and bottom mounting surfaces for the bags.
  5. Well... I was glad he didn't scrap it. Thanks for everyone's help.
  6. The 72 that I learned to pump on is on ODHFS, it's in Augusta county and I'd love to have it too, but the guy wants too much money for it and would not consider negotiating, so I had to walk away. Can't save them all I guess. It was unit 44, previously 113. I've got a bunch of pics of them.
  7. Yeah it went through a bunch of uncertainty before I finally got it. I tried to buy it from the volunteer department that had it in the valley and was told my bid was not accepted because I was a career firefighter. Instead of selling it to me for a grand they sold it to a scrapper for less. Then the scrapper thought it was too nice to part out, and sold it to guy who was going to use it as a service truck. He decided it was too nice for that, and he is who I got it from. He left it outside for almost two years which has created a variety of challenges for me, but it's all there and everything works. I've managed to save the paint with a buffer and a lot of compound and elbow grease. I thought the last of production CF's came out in the 90's. The replacement to this truck and the sister enclosed cab CF pumped at 11, 3, and 5 were all Grumman bodies but early 90's Mack chassis?
  8. Thurston wouldn't touch it. Not familiar with Ashby. I'll look it up. Where is it?
  9. Unusual question..... So I have a 1984 CF Fire Truck chassis with a Young walk in rescue body on it. This was the first fire truck I ever rode on in my late teens prior to my career in the fire service. I was able to get this unit back after years of service and final retirement and now personally own it. You guys have been helpful with a few other questions, but now I will put the one out there that is going to probably piss a bunch of fire truck buffs off, but here goes. Our goal with this truck is to turn it in to a parade piece / show piece. We want to take it back to the way it was when I knew it as a teenager, with the exception of the suspension. I am a very competent welder and could do a lot of this work myself, but I fear that I do not have heavy enough lifts and tools to put it all together. What I am shooting for is to modify the suspension on the truck and put a front and rear air bag system on the truck. We are looking for the completely stock truck with a hot rod look. We are in the Richmond Virginia area and I can not find any shops locally or within a reasonable distance that will take on this project. Has anyone ever lowered one of these trucks, done anything with airbags, or modified a CF in this manner. Also, does anyone know a custom shop in the Richmond area that does this kind of work? We are looking at a set of wheels from American Force in Florida (americanforce.com). Look in their gallery for the 29 Mack hot rod they did. They worked with a shop in Colorado to build it. This is the kind of look we are going for. The only two shops I know of are the Colorado shop and one in Texas. Thanks for all of your help, and yes I know I should probably leave the stance stock, but its mine, Ill never sell it, and it will never run another call. Its a look I've never seen on a CF and I appreciate any guidance the folks on this forum might have. Thank you so much.
  10. Hey fxfymn, Yes, Ex Chesterfield walk in rescue. Company 4 Bon Air, Unit 49. The original was a cab over ford with this Young walk in. They swapped out the chassis in 84 with the CF. Truck stayed at company 4 until we bought the Salisbury Mack which was the new 49 and was tragically crashed. This unit went to station 14 and became 149 for a number of years before it was replaced. It went to a volunteer department in the Charlottesville valley area and then when they got rid of it, it changed hands a couple of times before I got it. I am familiar with the ODHFS. I don't have a lot of plans to do anything with it other than return it to its original state with a few suspension modifications and look at it in my garage.
  11. Ok, that makes sense. The slave assembly in the engine compartment seems to be working properly and is very responsive to pedal movement. I'll disconnect the slave from the linkage and see what happens. Maybe it's a little combination of both.
  12. Hey Guys (and Gals), I have a 1984 CF Heavy Rescue that I have purchased and have a lot of family history with. My goal is to preserve it back to the way it was when I was a kid and knew the truck. I have a couple of questions for you all. When I bought the truck, it had been sitting for about 2 years. The previous owner had run it out of fuel and it stayed where it was until I bought it. We put fuel in it, and primed everything up. The truck started, but it started wide open. It has an American Bosch pump on it. I spoke with my local Bosch dealer here in Richmond and they guided me through the process of trying to unstick the fuel rack which I never could do, so I had it towed. The Bosch dealer got the fuel rack unstuck for me and got the truck running. The problem was that the truck seemed to "hunt" for an idle somewhere between 600 and 1000 RPM. This would go on until I idled the truck up to about 900 RPM, and then it would level out and idle correctly without hunting, but the idle was set too high. When I would idle it back down to the desired 600 or so RPM, the motor immediately started the hunting up and down thing again. I was told by a number of folks that the governor on the pump is bad, and as such needed to be rebuilt. I planned on pulling it off, but on a totally separate issue one day I was lubing up the accelerator pedal because it was sticking. It has a Williams air control pedal on it and when you push it down it does not come back up on its own power, and you physically have to pull the pedal back with the heel of your foot. I sprayed some PB blaster in the there and worked the pedal back and forth to try and free it up, and to some degree it worked. I didn't think anything else about it, but the next time I started the truck it ran perfect at idle. No hunting or moving up and down in RPM ranges, and everything seemed to be fine. My question is this: Is it possible that the air controller on the throttle or even the slave unit in the engine compartment could be causing the up and down seeking issue I am dealing with. I do think the valve just below the accelerator pedal is leaking some air as well. I have driven a number of these in my life and I remember the pedals immediately snapping back when you let your foot off of them, so I know something is suspect. Do you guys suspect this might be causing the engine issue and not the injection pump. I hate to pull that pump off. Can you rebuild the accelerator assembly or should I just replace it? Any thoughts would be appreciated. It seems odd that the seeking condition stopped after I worked that pedal over. Thanks so much for any feedback. Its the EMC6-285 motor. Injection pump is APE6BB11OT6980D1. The truck runs great on the road and at speed.
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