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  1. On my old granite there was a fuse under the hood on drivers side..if the fuse was blown or taken out the fan would stay engaged
  2. the ultimate way is to take the dash apart and pull the cabin filter out and they make a spray for ac condensors that you spray on the fins and let it sit then wash it out with a hose...someone told me wal mart sells it in the ac section.
  3. Open the hood and look on the firewall almost in the center on the bottom you will see a black hose coming out with a 90 degree to drain downward. I taped a knife to a stick and just cut it off. They say dirt can get in there with it cut but I didnt care, I wanted to drain it. You can also rigg up an air line with a piece of copper tubing and shoot air up it to clean it out.
  4. H & H Mack Sales Inc. | 80 Green Pond Road, PO Box 693 Rockaway, New Jersey 07866 973-625-3330
  5. I had the same problem on a 2014 mp8..warm when standing still..the dealer installed an engine fan over ride switch that turns on the fan manually. It solved the problem. I have 40-48 degrees at idle now all day long.
  6. On my 2014 Granite the mount on the right top side of the cab that holds the stack has a small shaft riding thru a bushing that is sloppy. Not even 1 year on the road. It is so annoying to listen to as it rattles. I tried putting a piece of rubber in between the cab and the mount but it is still noisy. Any ideas? I would think it isnt worn out since its so new.
  7. ^^ Oh yes I am....Concrete mixers sit idle some times for hours in a day
  8. It turns out the engine fan wasnt coming on to cool the condensor so the dealer installed a switch so i can turn the(clutch) fan on any time. my ac stays cold as ever at idle now.
  9. Its mp8.... No pressure switch on the dryer.. Cant find any switch on the hi pressure lines..any place else i could find the switch?
  10. does this connector have to be from mack or can i rigg one up?
  11. Can i install the jumper myself? My boss will not bring it to the dealer for that because they take weeks to do the smallest repair to our trucks.
  12. Granite 2014 mp8..at idle my ac gets real warm..when i rev it the temp drops... i am guessing it needs the fan to cool the condensor. Is there any way I can install a switch to keep the fan clutch on all the time at idle? It doesnt seem to activate by an air switch like my 2007 did.
  13. Is that a circuit breaker or a relay? It is still blowing. It only blows when the ambient temp gets to 70 or higher. It has been at the dealer for 2 weeks now and they have no clue. I think it has to do with the hi pressure cut off on the a.c. It looks like i will have to bring it back to them in the spring time when it gets hot because they say the condition isnt present now, and the can not fix whats not broke. what condition would make that blow?
  14. I pulled the fuse(circuit breaker type) out and put it back in and now it is working fine, do they reset when you pull them out or maybe a leg on it wasnt making contact? Thanks for your help!
  15. On my 2014 Mack Granite the temp control and vent selector isnt working. My old granite had the rods attached behind it. These seem like an electric switch. Is there a fuse I can check to make these work?
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