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    old tractors and trucks that still can do a bit of work on the farm.

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  1. Congratulations on the new project. Dare I ask what you paid? I'm attempting to help a neighbor find homes for some old Macks, see Restorable Macks for pictures. I'm also interested in buying one of them for my own so I want an idea of what is fair. These trucks have been resting for 10-20 years but all probably would start and drive with fresh batteries and fluids. Might be some stuck brakes or clutches though. Thanks
  2. Congratulations on the new project. Dare I ask what you paid? I'm attempting to help a neighbor find homes for some old Macks, see Restorable Macks for pictures. I'm also interested in buying one of them for my own so I want an idea of what is fair. These trucks have been resting for 10-20 years but all probably would start and drive with fresh batteries and fluids. Might be some stuck brakes or clutches though. Thanks
  3. Just southeast of Oregon City. Whats the protocol for exchange of contact info?
  4. Name: Mack B63 (1962) Date Added: 27 April 2015 - 08:15 PM Owner: Farmdog Short Description: Logger used as Fuel tanker View Vehicle
  5. These trucks are in western Oregon. No road salt used here. Beside six Macks there is this Diamond T Fire Engine. Thanks for the tip about model info on Wiki. Owners are digging up titles for specifics on models.
  6. Have a neighbor settling Grampa's estate. Grampa was a logger who was partial to Model B Macks. There are five complete trucks; two I think seven series (aluminum radiator tanks, long hoods) set up as loggers, Two B61's (one a dump truck the other a logger) and a B63 logger. Also they have quite a few usable parts; a cab, fenders, doors, two complete rebuilt diesel engines. and probably much more. They need help to determine values and to find homes for these good old trucks. These trucks were driven to the spot where they sit sometime in the last 10 to 20 years and are stil in in their work clothes. Tires all still aired up. Probaly fresh batteries and fluids would have them all running. How best to advertise? what kind of value? I am interested in the B63 and would like to help them get the others sold at fair prices. Any Advice?? One more question: where is there information about what the diferent Model B designations mean? Mack Neophite
  7. Six tired trucks looking for a new home
  8. Work trucks needing new homes
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