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Everything posted by JoshPhelps

  1. Holy Crap!! 5K?!? Is this a CARB casualty?
  2. Lemme be sure I'm following this correctly. This is a Mack superliner with a KW sleeper, right, Superdog?
  3. Lemme be sure I'm following this correctly. This is a Mack superliner with a KW sleeper, right, Superdog?
  4. Thanks, Vlad! I appreciate you taking a moment to answer my question. Are they fairly common that way, or a custom piece?
  5. Newbie question: Can someone explain the Canadian spread to me? I know nothing about this. Is is simply the distance between the drive axels? Is it weight related, or weather? Or something else completely. Thanks in advance!
  6. Let him hold his breath, Mike! Lol! I have faith in you!
  7. Would you fellas mind to educate a newby? What kind of transmission is this going to have?
  8. Would you fellas mind to educate a newby? What kind of transmission is this going to have?
  9. Wow. Love the tri-axle. And the superliner, though not exactly a pedigree truck, has most all of my favorite things in one very nice package!
  10. Wow. Love the tri-axle. And the superliner, though not exactly a pedigree truck, has most all of my favorite things in one very nice package!
  11. Congrats! Like everyone else, I would have bought this one if it were closer. I love the looks of it and it's in my price range.
  12. Beautiful! Price?
  13. Have you guys ever heard of someone having an oil pump rebuilt? I've seen it done with water pumps and injector pumps, but never oil pumps. If so, do you know someone who does it?
  14. Thanks, gentlemen. I'm on the southwest side of Oklahoma City. I picked this tractor up in Ada, Ok. There was lots of interesting stuff on the place, including a couple of D7 cats and an International road tractor with an aluminum cab that will eventually be for sale. I'm trying to connect with OKTractor in Mounds, Ok, and Mike's in Bueler, Ks regarding some salvage parts. Any other parts supplier suggestions? I'm hoping to get this thing to run so I can use it. I'm not in the flipping business. Thanks! :-)
  15. I picked up this 190 XT Diesel this week off farm that is being cleaned up/off. The story is that the oil pump went out and the gentleman who owned it pulled the pan and removed the pump. It sat there for quite a while. The pump is seized up, so I'm getting another on the way. I believe we turned the engine over inadvertently by pushing it in gear. While the pan is off, I think I'll pull a couple of caps and have a look at the bearings. If that checks out, I'm going to button her up and see if we can get her to run. I'm looking for any thoughts, suggestions, hints, advice, etc as I move forward. Never owned an A-C before. Thanks in advance. PS. Will post pics of her taking the ride home on a 18' deck over behind my Ram 2500 CTD.
  16. While we're talking about V-12's, let me ask this: I saw a YouTube video yesterday that featured a 359 Pete with a Cat 3408 and Heavy Spec. 379 Pete with a V-12 Cat, presumably a 3412. Do we know if there are any of those in any Mack trucks?
  17. Wow. Nice looking ole girl.
  18. *Newby question warning!!* Is rust a problem in super liner cabs? Can't see much from these pics, but upon zooming it looks like there may be some rust in the door and along the bottom of the cab. Also, doesn't $10,000 seem a little low on this truck?
  19. Congratulations! I'm delighted for you! Can't wait to see the pics and videos. I was told when was truck shopping that the 237/5 speed makes a bulletproof combo. Maybe that would be an easy transition if you need to replace the quad box. I hope for your sake, though, that you get to drive the quad long enough to enjoy it.
  20. Awesome! Best wishes on a worthy project.
  21. Can't wait to see progress ok this. Is the trans. a quad? Can you tell if there's any damage?
  22. Can't wait to see progress ok this. Issue trans. a quad? Can you tell if there's any damage?
  23. Wow! The truck looks amazing. I'm glad you got it. Way to go!
  24. Congratulations on your retirement and thank you for your service! Enjoy yourself and your dogs. You've earned it.
  25. Merry Christmas, Gentlemen!
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