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Everything posted by 68-f-model

  1. 1987 C-60 I had : 135,000 miles 8.2 Detroit 5-speed 2-speed rear end Dumping flat bed
  2. Its even white and in ohio. Pricey though. http://columbus.craigslist.org/hvo/5332157275.html
  3. Tubes and liner are unnecessary in a 11r22.5 which are tubeless.
  4. For $1800 it better install itself . I put a modern blade type fuse block and full harness in for about $175 .
  5. Check out Chicago Tire Inc . $1,440 set of four Samson 11r22.5 16 ply open shoulder drives delivered to your door step. $2,880 for a set of eight. http://chicagotireinc.com/11r22-5-tires-Samson-GL293D-16-PR-tire/
  6. I would vote for something like this. I have seen them on Craigslist at a good price. Added bonus no one can borrow it without a heavy trailer and they can be drivable from the basket. Similar to this one but with all terrain tires. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/hvd/5313085245
  7. Can anyone tell me the part number of the gasket that is supposed to go between the elbow pipe on the exhaust side of the turbo and the turbo? It has a definite leak there but no clamp or flanges , so I am assuming it is a slip fit with some sort of gasket in a groove on the turbo?? Or am I missing a part? Thanks
  8. The trailer was made by Transport Trailers Inc made in Cedar Rapids Iowa.
  9. I was worried about the DOT. But considering Michigan has had a decreasing number of police in the last few years I figured the odds were minimal that I would bump into one. I stayed on the way way back roads and only did about 35 mph. The larger issue was my apparent lack of ability to shift smoothly, it was down right embarrassing. It has a 237 turbo and a 5 speed. The wide front tires make a handy step for getting in and out. I need to get the cab and trailer sand blasted now so I can paint them and look presentable (less of a magnet for the law).
  10. I have been dying to take the F model for a road test. So yesterday I finally gave in and figured it might as well be a productive burning of fuel. So I piled on a few fire wood logs to take over to my uncles and went off into the sun. Got about 30 miles round trip and zero issues. Life is good. Don't beat me up over the ratchet strap tie downs it is what I had since my chains and binders haven't arrived yet.
  11. It was really that far gone carlotpilot?
  12. I am looking for a steering gear box and pump to convert my f model from air assist to normal power steering. I am assuming I can use a box off an r-model as well as the pump. Is this correct?
  13. Not sure where you are in Kansas, but maybe give these guys a call. C&H truck parts (800) 360-6911 south Sioux city NE. http://candhtruck.com
  14. It is a world economy. There are ever fewer products made entirely in a single country, everything seems to have parts and pieces from around the globe. Yes, back in the day there were small companies making high quality products that lasted. Now it is the era of disposable everything, trucks included. Even a house (Allen Edwin homes) now comes with only a 10 year warranty. I have always thought a house should be built to last many generations not a measly 10 years. It is just the fact of how things are like it or not. Live in the past if you so choose but the future will move on without you.
  15. From the album: f-model

    Just a shot as the sun was going down over the trees.
  16. Update. I found these for a steal locally ($25 for both). I am sure I can fab up some mounts and twin stacks for them behind the cab. Should have plenty of flow capacity I think with 6 inch out put tubes and about 12 inches in diameter. And there are two so it will keep my crazy ocd brain happy about things being balanced.
  17. If it were a f model I would take it and jack the roof back out in a heart beat. I hope some one keeps it from just rotting into the ground.
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