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  1. Alright thanks!
  2. Yeah I was looking on another site, realized I got the two confused after I posted here. So that being said sorry for the confusion..... What is the correct way to adjust the both of them?
  3. Got both sensors and going to try them first then make some adjustments beyond there if they don't help.... I know you said run the flywheel in all the way the back off one turn... what about the one on the pump, same? Just don't want to mess up anything!
  4. Thanks for the quick reply. You may be hitting on something there. It is the vmac, may be just slightly out of adj. The truck runs fine otherwise. Will definitely try and check that out this weekend. I will keep you posted..... again, Thanks!!
  5. My 95 Ch613 has had this lope in it ever since i bought it 2 yrs ago. It has gradually gotten worse lately... Its enough to notice a 5 psi +/- difference on the oil guage when idling. It does the typical chug-a-lug til the econovance kicks in then just idles intermittently enough to rock the truck right good. Usually if we're just sitting around we just bump the idle up a little and the loping slows a little with the higher rpm. You dont notice it going down the road just at idle speeds. I have changed the econo solenoid and it corrected nothing! Also I have noticed the fuel mpgs are down a bit too. Just changed the flywheel, clutch and input shaft and it seems to be a little bit rougher since that work was done, don't know if that has anything to do with it but its always done it, just worse now. My driver has complained once or twice of the motor cutting out for a brief second going down the road but only a couple of times. (this was after i changed the gas pedal so i know that isnt it) Are all these symptoms related or what? Scratching my head...... Any ideas????? By the way, no one knows jack-diddly about a mack in my neck of the woods other than the "stealership" an hour away! Would love to correct the problem myself or using my local guys with some knowledge from any of you.
  6. ok well thanks for the info. Sounds as if the injector problem may not be so far fetched after all. I initially thought last year when i heard that noise that it was the damper but I dont think there is anything in it to cause that kinda of fuss. However that being said everyone that sells dampers says change every 500k but every mechanic I have ever asked that question to says never heard of that 500k interval on a damper... GO FIGURE! It's nice to know I have company here in the "scratchin' my head club" when it comes to these dilemmas. I appreciate all the input. Hopefully it will keep holding on for a while, seems like here lately it's one thing after the next... I always just relate it to - "It's F@#$&n' Truckin' " The old girl runs great otherwise, avg. mpg 5.5 - 6, gets me there and back but is painfully underpowered for what I do. I haul lots of grain, lime, rock and always grossing over 80k and looking at the size of that motor I guess i'm lucky it does all it does. It's like they say "run what you brung"!
  7. Naw... belts new and tight. My guy is saying its an injector knocking... hope this is so. He seems to think just keep running it, not worth opening it up to fix yet. So I have ran it the last few days and the pinging goes away after a couple hours when everything warms up good. He said the fuel being cold and an injector slowly failing is the compilation of these problems (the noise). Does this make since to anyone? Have had a few trucks but have never come across this particular problem.
  8. Thanks for the reply gearhead204. Although sounds like a possibility, I don't think that is my case, temps were only in the upper 30s to lower 40s here this morning so that would eliminate the freezing line. Oh how I wish it was something that simple! Seems as though all the problems I encounter are those that "have never been heard of before" or those that I seem to be the only one in this galaxy that has ever had that happen to! I don't know exactly what it is or where to begin to look, I've been trying to get up with my mechanic (about the only one I trust in my area) all this morning but have yet to get a call through. I went outside and started it again just to listen and its definitely coming from toward the front of the motor and almost sounds middle to lower half, in the region of the damper, so to speak. It's a tapping sound with no particular rhythm to it but taps about like something is pinging or hitting or something has come loose... This forum has been very helpul in the past with diagnosing alot of problems on my own, so I know the amount of "braintrust" up here someone can get me in the right directions.
  9. I have a 1996 Ch with E7 350 and I am having an issue (hopefully not major) with a mysterious noise seemingly around the front of the engine. I cant really tell exactly where it is coming from but I have heard it in the past but has diminished shortly after idling and warming up. It seems to start on colder mornings and doesn't do it always but this morning it has sounded off and hasn't quit and increases with rpms. It sounds like someone is tapping on something with a hammer but not in a rhythm, although constant (sporadically). I am lost and don't know where to begin... As I have said had this problem in the colder temps last year but never persisted longer than 20-30 min warm up and didn't hear again the rest of the day. So now i have to decided to keep it parked unitl i can find a cure. Don't need to be buying an engine presently!
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