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russell t

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Everything posted by russell t

  1. I had occation to measure a bc engine looking for a cylinder head for a CF engine in a BM truck The head bolt pattern front to back measured the same but the BC engine was 1 inch nerrower measured across the block than the CF engine. The CF is a 414 CU" engine so my quess would be the BC would be aprox 350 CU".You are very fortunate to have a pristeen EX manifold. Up draft carbs were most likely used so as to have gravity fuel flow to the carb. All gas powered tractors had their tank above the engine and of cource the Model A ford with the tank in the dash.
  2. the manifold with the baffel keeping the ex from cylinders 4 5 & 6 seperate will give you more of the sound you are looking for
  3. Keith are the wheel adaptors comercially available?
  4. try john chambers NY area, he advertises on wheels of time
  5. nice work looking forward to seeing the finished product
  6. Well here I am 5 years later and the only thing I noticed to add to the quessing is that there are removable pannels below both doors, and they are still here which is rare. the right panel is for battery access and the left one is for access to the hydro vac and master cyl. access A30's only came with hydraulic brakes. Finding a shutter assembly may be difficult but would look great. A low budget option would to use a B42-EN402 engine and transmission which would bolt right in. As to value you have already established that but I would add that the absents of cultivator style wheels should add at least 4K, good luck and enjoy.
  7. Thank you stockman, I found Scott but the 359 Pete was gone so my wife thanks you also and I will have to take a cold shower. The diamond T is still available and is listed on Craigslist. Scott's contact is 612 270 6420
  8. I have been trying the posted phone but it doesn't work! please reply if the 3559 is available
  9. contact me re: crank shaft for CF engine RT
  10. check with the folks at NORTHWEST lift TRUCK SERVICES in Redding, They have a very unique B Model and a highly modified LT used in daily service at 530 243 3572 they have a very unique B model
  11. Good source for large updraft mostly Zenith carbs, some Stromberg, and some Zenith down draft. Dave Daigh 530 342 9575
  12. Saturday was the Central Valley Chapter show in Plymouth Ca. 228 trucks with several LT's some stock and some more modern powered up to an E9 engine. Bruce's LT sold that I wish I had not sold him went to Idaho last year
  13. This looks like a big chore for an AC going either uphill or downhill. In 1932 there was a flash flood in the dry arid Tehachapi Canyon above Bakersfield Ca. The trains were stopped because of the intense rain and crews were in a small resturant along the tracks. The wall of water '40 FOOT HIGH" came so fast that the restaurant was washed away, whole trains were undermined and left buried in gravel, The large steam locomotives took days to find in the realigned channel. Loss of life was estimated at over 50 including a nearby highway crew of 20. Unknown but thought to be over 40 were additional transients riding the rails. I have a book showing equipment including the number "43" cat 60 pictured here digging out totaly buried big 4 10 2 locomotives. AcroRd32.exe
  14. Ad has been taken down by craigslist, I got the owners no from the owner of the low bed truck that hauled the truck to the owner. Dave at 530 365 6101. I looked at the truck yesterday. It is GM 471 powered, has a long wheelbase with a double frame. the radiator shell is useable with a slight amount of work, the shutters are straight, the fenders are easily restorable, everything is gone between the cab and the running boards, and the cab is on the ruff side but salvageable if one was into a lot of work. Owner said he wants 2500, would reduce the price for chassis only purchase. I passed on the truck but I am sure he will negotiate,
  15. I probably should have said "Tesla Powered"
  16. What's with the Pries powered B model posted on the gallery ?
  17. let me know when the 401 is available RT
  18. Dan, the BM came from the Folsom area where it spent it's life as a 5 yd dump. I am in the process of restoration and intend to bring it back as a 5th wheel tractor. I am unable to post a picture so give me a call and I will email some picture. 530 949 6878
  19. Dan, the 37 BM is a California truck from the Folsom area with a 5 yard dump bed. Fortunately the C cab is virtually rust free so I have started a total restoration. The engine required a total rebuild including a donner engine. I plan to finish it as a fifth wheel tractor. I cannot seem to be able to post a picture so try to send me an email add. Have you heard from Tony and Peter lately? RT
  20. The off highway KW in the Joseph collection was mine once until in a weak moment I let a "friend" have it and now has ended up in the NH. The kw looks much more impressive with the rear wheels on, but it is then 10'6" wide.
  21. Had similar problem with an older truck with a larger motor, I had to remove the motor to get the steering box in and then leave the box unbolted from the frame to " thread the needle" when installing the cab due to the steep angle of the steering column and the small opening in the cab.
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