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  1. Thank you for the advice. I'll look into this.
  2. I have a 58 Mack C85 Fire truck. The rubber pieces on the plate that holds the horn cover on the steering wheel have broken. Is there a replacement available? If not what would be the best way to fix it? Thank you for the help.
  3. I called their 800 number. I don't remember who it was that I spoke to. He made it seem like he was trying to help me out as much as he could. He kept saying he could find numbers before and after mine.
  4. I called Hale with the serial number and all they could tell me was that it was built in 1952. They had no other information on it. What would it take to get a copy on the manual?
  5. Does anyone have any info on a Hale QL75HD fire pump?
  6. Do you have any pictures of them?Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  7. Thank you for looking.
  8. The gears are made as one. The small gear is just shy of 4.5" and has 15 teeth.
  9. I have talked to a shop about water jetting it and it would be around $520. If I can find a replacement I would like it a lot better. I'll take a look at some B and H models to see what they look like. Thanks for you help!
  10. I'm looking for the right side window regulator for my C85. The gear is stripped out on it. Maybe someone will have one or know where to get one. Thank you for the help. Jason
  11. Name: 1958 C85F Date Added: Owner: jasonhill jasonhill
  12. Sorry it been a while. I have done some talking to people and have found out that the truck was bought new by the city. In the early 80's it was sent to F.A.C.T in Wichita Falls Texas to be rebuilt to look like what it does today. I have my work cut out for me to return it to its former glory.
  13. Anyone know of any place to get them?
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