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Sandy Blackwell

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About Sandy Blackwell

  • Birthday 04/12/1961


  • Location
    cape girardeau, mo

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    I mostly work or hang out with my brother and we work on our trucks. I do like to read when I have time.
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  1. Awesome. I didn't want to open a can of worms, so to speak. Maybe It won't be too bad Thanks for the help.
  2. I am looking for some info. Actually a diagram of (gear driven) power steering pump inner workings would rock.. My power steering reservoir keeps filling up. I have learned that if a O ring blows out or whatever it allows your oil to back up into the reservoir ...thus filling it up. I got a pump "rebuild" kit from mack. Which is nothing but 5 O rings. figure I can handle that but sure would like a diagram of it BEFORE I crack it open. It is a 98 Mack CL 700 Dump Truck
  3. Looking for work for two dumps. Went on wild goose chase in LA and now really set back. If anyone has any leads it would be greatly appreciated.
  4. You are right. they seem to be locking those jobs down. I guess it is what it is. I would rather not go thru someone else, but don't really have a choice. Helped my buddy out when he was down due to cancer and cut myself short on winter funds (not complaining, that's just what we should do), I am just gonna have to see what they have to say. There is nothing here and won't be for quite a while. I appreciate the lead.
  5. From what I read they are working in Layfette, lake charles, Houma, and New Orleans.
  6. I have a 98 mack. the cl700. I have been doing levee work here since last year and will start again this spring. I know that the Corp of Eng. recieved funds for enough work to last several... years. I verified it by going to their website, but it doesn't give any leads from there. I have found lots of middle men.
  7. I am trying to head south for several months and work. I know they have levee jobs gong on for several years to come, but I am only finding hiring "agencies" to talk to. Sand and gravel for frac work would do as well, if anyone has any suggestions or info Please let me know. thanks sandy
  8. Old Cowboy's stadium. we filled w/dirt and they imploded it.
  9. awesome,.thanks.
  10. After hauling out of backside of the creek all day the bottom decided to fall thru with me.
  11. It's not the prettiest but it is a work truck and it's mine. :) Fixin to get a quicky paint job.
  12. Started sanding my truck bed........wow.

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