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Everything posted by RedBullDog

  1. http://www.csgnetwork.com/rpmcalc.html Try that link, 11 r 24.5 tires should figure around 44 inch tall, 42 for lo 24.5s and 11 22.5. dont recall tire height for lowpro 22.5s. B designation means the OD is .75:1 IIRC. Just plug in your numbers and figure out where you want to be RPM wise. I run tall 24.5 rubber with 4.42 rears and run 65 to 70 comfortably.
  2. Maybe he should clutch to that stuffed animal on his bed instead of a rifle he cannot operate. His soft hands look more atune to cuddling than violence.
  3. If its an older trailer, I would probably ask 900 at least, for a months rental. Also, make sure they include it on their insurance policy while they are dragging it, just in case.
  4. The only thing that i'd worry about, would be that those older diesels were designed and built to fire on diesel from 40+ years ago. Fuel back then was not nearly as well refined or clean as today's fuel. Personally, i wouldn't want to boost the cetane number much if any from at the pump levels. It doesn't need to be rocket fuel in an old motor. Lubricity would be a major priority though, so maybe a little bit of 2 cycle oil at fill up or marvel oil.
  5. I'm sorry for the way the pictures are displayed. Just another example of computer illiteracy
  6. A couple of weeks ago, I was hauling lime to a farm south of Covington and saw this little gem sitting off the side of the road for sale. I thought it was pretty odd for around this area so I googled it, and it turns out it was newer than I thought. The first thing that I read was a little writeup in 10-4 magazine about it being one of a few built, after Reo went tits up, for somewhere in Ohio. I stopped back by and looked it over, gas motor,allison auto and a belly mount blade. The man selling it seems nice on the phone,says everything on it works and runs, but I don't know that he knows that the little truck is kinda special. It now has an Oklahoma farm tag on it. IMG_1044[1] IMG_1043[1] IMG_1048[1] IMG_1059[1] IMG_1052[1]
  7. When you had it at the dealer they should have checked the fuel pressure at the lift pump, that is always a good place to start. Also check fuel lines and connections for places it could suck air. What are your exhaust temps like when you are having this problem? You could have a boost leak at a silicone boot or at the air to air itself. My experience with the pedal sensor is that it either work or it doesn't.
  8. Gotta love Montana Craigslist ads, so many times they are willing to trade for cattle. I wonder if the "naughty ads" under personals mention cattle too?
  9. I'm thinking a lot of people in Oklahoma might be reenacting the Dustbowl migration for wages like that. We have corporations and big companies around here not willing to pay that.
  10. Stay strong, and know prayers are being said for you.
  11. A second cousin of mine had a Deutz Allis front wheel assist. It was air cooled of course and could drag a chisel plow around in the hottest summer weather without breaking a sweat. Our Deeres struggled in the same heat. My Grandpa on the other side of my family ran 2 smaller Deutzs as hay tractors. two to three hundred hour oil changes, vs 100 hr or less for deeres and cases. That same front wheel assist Deutz is still in the family, different second cousin. Belarus was a Russian or Ukranian tractor. They were a simple tractor but not the most durable things. They are not related to Deutz.
  12. The blue heads on the Deere combines are Shelbourne-Reynolds stripper heads. It uses a high speed rotating drum with triangle shaped teeth to pull the grain from the plant without cutting off the straw. The only thing going through the machine is grain and seed hulls, so the combine can operate faster and leave the residue intact for no-till. They have been around for years and are really useful in down wheat. I ran one for a couple of years in my past life.
  13. I thought most cats run 14.5 to 15:1 compression ratios. Along with all that other jazz, it sounds like a molested motor
  14. There are 2 piles of wheat at least that large in Enid, and i think 3 more up the road in Medford. There are smaller piles in some of the smaller towns as well. In fact, I went to town yesterday and moved my truck because it was parked right where the local COOP has started the dirt work for a 1 million bushel "bunker" to pile wheat. Price in town this morning was $3.05 for wheat, add another 15 to 20 cents for Enid terminal price. I know it sounds "pie in the sky" and all but its a shame to have people in our own country, and many places around the world, going hungry and this grain just gets piled up to sit and rot.
  15. I was on the other side of this when I was still farming. I planted wheat or milo right up next to the lease roads, but I never got too worked up if someone needed to run over a little of it. The reason I had for it was weed control, planting something and having herbicide down to prevent cheat and rye and thistles from taking over that edge. If its in the edge it eventually spreads further into the fields.
  16. When you slowly press the door toward closed, is it lining up with the striker? is the latch mechanism making contact with the fat part of the striker instead of the middle ? The new hinges may need a different amount of shimming away from the door frame. Just a guess
  17. I know of a few "moaners." A friend of mine has a ranger too, and as he has gotten fatter he grumbles about the size of the interior, as does his wife who has gone the same direction. I said don't blame the truck, it didn't know you were going to grow again.
  18. Most of the idea, I think, for Ford is that they already make the F series and a lightly equipped 150 going for the same sales price as a Ranger makes them more money. They don't have factory, tooling, and marketing costs just to make the Ranger. Most of the Rangers being sold at the end were V6 autos, which something similar is available in the 150. People moaned about the ranger being "too small" and not enough capacity to haul and tow, cause they didn't use their brain and just buy the half ton in the first place, so that didn't help either. I would like to see a new Ranger, but keep it simple and keep the cost down. I have an 87 model with a 4 cylinder and a manual trans that is true to what a compact pickup should be. It does OK on gas and can haul light bulky stuff in the bed. It doesn't need a 250 hp engine or need to tow campers and boats. Also, EPA fuel economy figures are calculated differently for full size vs compact pickups if I'm not mistaken. Ford may be trying to manipulate the CAFE standards numbers.
  19. Very true. I forget that sometimes. There was intent to be deceptive by VW. I guess anytime big brother (especially EPA) gets involved in something, my initial response is to support whatever they're against. I'm funny that way, I guess.
  20. Very true. I forget that sometimes. There was intent to be deceptive by VW. I guess anytime big brother (especially EPA) gets involved in something, my initial response is to support whatever they're against. I'm funny that way, I guess.
  21. The oil temps should run about 20 to 30 degrees over water temp. Sometimes the radiator needs a little more than blown out. Pull the charge air cooler and fan shroud for better access and really hose it out good with water. In the past I've used foaminator condenser coil cleaner to clean up really plugged fins. You can get it at plumbing supply places, or probably the internet too. It sprays on and foams up and pushes out dirt and bugs and stuff that can really hang in there. Cooler water = cooler oil.
  22. Nothing against your idea of donating these cars, I'm all for it, but I know more than a few non tribal families that would be forever grateful for a reliable, modern car to drive. It is real scary how the feds are handling this VW emissions issue. If they are able to bully around a massive automaker like VW, imagine what BS they will pull the next time the mood hits them to squash a corporation they "feel" is in the wrong. I used the term "feds" because I don't really believe it makes any difference at all which political party is in elected office, the people involved in this type of thing are unelected and untouchable. I would do the buyback in a heartbeat if the only other option is a franken-car with a patchwork emissions fix on it. My concerns would be reliabilty/driveability, and also the fact you wouldn't be able to give it away when it comes time to sell or trade. Fuel economy and overall engine life would be questioned too.
  23. Its sad that companies go on and on about environmental awareness and being green, even buy CNG and electric vehicles, then waste resources like this. It's a much bigger "carbon footprint" to not recycle truck parts and pieces than all those alternative fuel vans can overcome. I'm going to wash my mouth out with soap now for saying carbon footprint.
  24. Sounds reasonable. Now I need 2K
  25. Where did you source the longblock from, and for how much. I have a 97 Suburban in the garage that needs one of those. Preferably stock setup, as it will be the wifes car.
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