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Everything posted by RedBullDog

  1. Those are some very nice trucks, and it's obvious they take a lot of pride in their jobs. The only possible downside is if one of the trucks parked farther back in line wouldn't start, they're all sunk. Do they run steel drives in the winter for salt/corrosion? I just noticed that.
  2. Nothing like that is available here as far as I'm aware. It seems like changing all that back and forth would be time consuming and laborious. I want completely different suspension setups on an aluminum dump versus a steel dump because the work I do with one is not the type of work I do with the other.
  3. Good for you OD for spotting an obvious ploy. She was there on an OSHA sting. The back of that old clunker is not nearly big enough to properly do the job, without a confined spaces work permit.
  4. Speaking of breeding hips.... That is a really nice old KW along with the AC dozer.
  5. My 01 has a square piece of blue filtering media between the output side of the blower and the evap in the cab and that is all. My truck has the newer interior, but its probably pretty similar
  6. Oops, I botched the quote thingy
  7. No offense to our Canadian friends, but it's difficult to discern which one is the "she" just by glancing at that picture. I am aware it was photoshopped, but that gal has a strong chin
  8. Awww, I kinda like the little red vw.
  9. Interesting terminology there. She's the "head mechanic", and wants you to beat it . Probably shouldn't wear those shorts working on cars, the buttons will scratch up the paint on the fender.
  10. Funny that its a mattress truck there too. A big majority of the ones that do it in Enid are furniture/mattress trucks too, there are 2 furniture stores downtown, just west of that bridge.
  11. No worse......Freightliner
  12. There's an bridge over in Enid that is famous for catching steering wheel holders. Its been hit dozens and dozens of times over the years, so much so, they painted teeth on the thing. Google Enid Maine Street bridge if you want to see it, I can't make links cause I don't know how and don't care.
  13. Yes, the real ones for E7 E Tech.
  14. Was at Mack today for a filter kit and a charge air cooler hose, and the parts guy said that they were not going to be doing boxed filter sets any more. I asked if that was a local thing, and he said no, it was a Mack thing. I got one filter kit, but if work stays good I will go back and get some more. The same thing happened in the past with my last truck. Cat quit offering a filter bundle, the price went up, and up. By the time I parked it, the one large oil filter was as high as the bundle had been just a couple of years earlier. I hope he was mistaken, but thought I would put this out there so everyone can be aware.
  15. Can't let my wife see this thread!
  16. Diesel is down to $1.60 where I fill up. It's as low as $1.56 at other places. It would be nice if there was more to do while prices are lower, but a percentage of my better paying work is down for precisely this reason. The rates on stuff I haul where I don't set my own rate are getting close to unprofitable, due to people thinking the rates should go down precipitously based on fuel alone. My other overheads haven't changed, except for insurance, that went up. On a side note, last week Sandridge went in at Cherokee, a small town west of here a ways, and fired almost everyone at Lariat, an oilfield services branch of Sandridge. Two hundred and some more small town jobs gone.
  17. The trucks were owned by a subsidiary of continental resources/ Hamm &Phillips. My wife worked for CR when they were still based in Enid. She worked on the top floor, I rode the elevator with Harold Hamm on many occasions. My first thought was inside job, but when I saw they were Hamms trucks I don't think so anymore. They are not a small time operator, so insolvency isn't a big concern there. Hamm and Phillips trucks are usually red macks, but a few are white or dark blue.
  18. So great to see something built in Ponca City, I went through most of my school years in Ponca, still just 40 some miles away.
  19. I really like the FC dump.
  20. Just remember when comparing an overdrive Fuller to an overdrive Mack transmission, the fuller will have a less "overdrivey" tall gear. I hope that makes sense, my mind is shot from holiday stress. There will also be a difference in drive shaft length.
  21. Kinda like the Deere 8850 4wd's. Deere used a v8 scraper motor that was made to run much faster rpm's, then castrated it and crammed it in there with an undersized radiator. I ran one of them years ago, and was happy to return to my 8650.
  22. Tire bundles must be really heavy for a Swift truck to hafta pass... International made some v8 tractors back in the day, I know an old timer with 2 of them.
  23. Anywhere from $1.89 to $2.10 a gallon around northern OK.
  24. In states like Texas and here in Oklahoma a large portion of the entire economy is based on the energy sector, whether its upstream with office jobs in marketing and accounting, "real property", etc.. to pipelines, tank farms(Cushing), refineries, back to the well head with drillers, pumpers, completion companies, and location building. I would guess one in four people in this area works directly for or along side a company in this sector. Lots of layoffs, deep pay cuts, and benefit losses have happened here and will continue to until the market returns. These jobs are, in many cases, the only jobs worth a damn in the area. We are hurting from both lack of new investments in production, and loss of income for those around us. Farm prices are also in the toilet adding to the misery.
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