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Everything posted by RedBullDog

  1. Looks like he didn't czech both ways
  2. I'm not really drawn to Donald Trump the person, but as a candidate I can appreciate the straight, unfiltered thought. It is much easier to respect someone who says something and doesn't shy away when the left comes after him. I'd rather hear someone say something out loud and fight against the naysayers than say nothing at all out of fear. The silence from the other republicans is very telling when Trump says something the least bit provocative. Muffled dissent via a few soundbites shows that most of the others don't have the inner fortitude and large attachments required to be a leader. Trump sure doesn't get everything right, but he has the guts to say and/or do it in the fist place, and that is more than most.
  3. When someone from the left says or does something indecent or derogatory, it is simply stated that their views don't represent the views of those who employ them or associate with them. If someone on the opposing side (not necessarily on the right) says anything of the sort, then they attack that person and anyone else they deem to be like them . Guilt by association doesn't seem to be a two way street.
  4. Also consider giving another inch or two in case you put 11 R's on it. Mine are about an inch past the stops for suspension travel to clear mud and rocks
  5. I haven't tried silicone. There are some poorly designed sharp things under the dash and around under the column. When mine messed up I was hauling grain from the field for one of the most respected families at church, so when I got mad I couldn't strut around like a banty rooster or cuss it. Just a lot of mumbling
  6. Back in the summer, I was having some brake light issues. I decided to also replace the air switches. One of my air switches broke off in that manifold. I had to replace the manifold too. Make sure and take the time to label all the air lines on both sides, and any wires that go through there as well. I made pigtails for some of the lines that were harder to get to. Its cheap plastic so be gentle. There is only the plastic push-fit version for that part.
  7. On bronze refers to the bushings in the centers where it attaches to the trunnion. Usually 44k and up camelbacks have Bronze or other metal bushings at the trunnion. 38k and possibly some 44's use rubber
  8. That is quite a slippery slope for Time's man of the year Angela Merkel to deal with. Does Deutchcland not have laws addressing imitating officers of the law? On a side note; by the looks of their vests, those clowns must work night shift on a highway crew.
  9. Is that the site of the next democrat debate? Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  10. I would love to find one that nice with the earlier IDI 6.9 or 7.3 with the 4 doors. I had a 91 single cab several years back. Hopefully this next summer I could afford it.
  11. You probably don't want an 09 model for only 15000 miles a year. Emissions controlled trucks don't like to sit. Also more wiring for mice to nibble on while it is sitting.
  12. Looks a lot like a Fumoto Drain Valve. I have them on almost everything I own.
  13. Stupid is lucky that his car didn't get enough lateral grip to just start barrel-rolling. The side curtain airbags are for privacy while they're on facebook.
  14. Light reading huh.... I'll just go back to the fleshy girl picture instead Either way might involve a nap.
  15. I really like the 2 old Gleaners with little flex heads. I was imprisoned on a Gleaner or 2 before I was trusted with a green one. It sounds like a dangerous place for a gal with no pants near an entire municipality "laying pipe."
  16. I guess I was "blessed" that my sleeper truck was a unibody walk through. The amount of effort to change an integral sleeper kept me from even thinking of change.
  17. It seems like if you had the measurements from the panel on your old sleeper, it wouldn't be so difficult. Take a sheet of aluminum with those dimensions patterned onto it, and cut out that pattern. I would just hire out welding the new nose piece on, for piece of mind and leaks.
  18. take a magnet to it, steel sticks, aluminum doesn't. Fiberglass goes thud.
  19. The ad states that it has a blower on it, so it might have a bunch of idle time. Other than that, It looks pretty nice for 35k.
  20. I don't really get why Mack Truck operator manuals are so scarce. They must be an expensive option when the truck is new, or they are made of Charmin. I got a stack of manuals when I bought my other trucks, and have bought cars from the mid 80's that still have the manual in the glove compartment. I even bought a pontiac from a junkyard auction as a parts car, guess what, like new books in the glove.
  21. Hate to say it, but E-Bay will probably be the best bet.
  22. In that little print it says the White House feels it is a lack of jobs and opportunity feeding ISIS. Maybe the moron should look inside the country he was elected to lead (somehow) if he needs to see a lack of jobs and opportunity!
  23. Do you fill up at a regular station, or from a bulk fuel source like a big tank in a yard. Some bulk fuel is pretty raw, with little to no additive already in it. Also, do you possibly have some water in your fuel tanks. It doesn't take much to render the anti-gel nearly worthless.
  24. If you say it fast it sounds like a great new charity, Moabs for Arabs. Like meals on wheels or toys for tots.
  25. Where I fuel up is already treated to an extent, I use the white bottle Power Service with every fillup as well. Never gelled up that I know of. About 3 or 4 winters ago, we had one morning where it got down to 24 below zero, I can't tell you if the fuel was gelled or not, but my blood was. I just stayed home.
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