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Everything posted by PedroR

  1. thats a real cool mack truck, can you post more pics of it i like the visor
  2. god bless her
  3. so sorry for your loss
  4. yep when they blow they leave some damage on the truck, the 12r 24.5 is the same has 11r 24.5 just taller
  5. No extended warranty? This sucks no warranty on one of the most important parts of the truck
  6. thats so cool, going to put visit to Australia in my things to do list
  7. yes i know a few guys with that probem, on a tandem dump truck 2 to 3 weeks to replace frames, roll offs tryaxles 5 to 6 weeks, me i would not replace frame, i would weld,reinforce with a sleave on the inside of the frame I think that mack has extended the warranty on the frames, maybe someone on here will know better than me
  8. I'm with everyone go with the camelback Gumbie im sorry but i must desagree with you on the tires, in my opinion and experience float tires suck, i have seen way to many trucks with blow outs on the side of the road with 385's or 425 floats, including my self when i runned then, and when they go they can make some bad damage i saw a pete 379 lose a fender and an air cleaner do to a blow out at 65mph. i love 12r 24.5 never had a problem with them.
  9. 80k i think
  10. how is that frame not bent? or broken cross members?
  11. PedroR

    Recap Tires:

    The michelin i have do have 1 seam where bouth ends join, i have never seen a cap with no seams Why do i run caps? Well i only run local (@35k miles a year) and i know where im getting my cassings from, i will not buy a cassing thats allready caped from a tire shop ever because it could be an old cassing thats been caped a couple of times
  12. PedroR

    Recap Tires:

    I run the cap tires, never had a problem with them, i ran the bandag 4300 cap on all bridgestone for a long time, Im now trying something different these are michelin casings with michelin caps, the caps are very identical to the xzy2 tread on a new tire, i only cap my tires 1 time, i then sale my casings, a friend of mines buys new tires uses them and i then buy them from him, these michelins i payed $90.00 each i then payed $168.00 for the cap total of $258.00, last set of front tires i payed $445.00 on sale (michelin) thats why im going to keep running caps. Now witch do i like best? i think i like the set that im running right now because the michelin's side wall is softer witch makes the truck ride alot smother, and with the bandag cap there was a zom zom noise when above 45 50 mph.
  13. cool pictures, i like your pops truck
  14. its comes down to $$$$
  15. a few more i bought this truck brand new in 02, not mines anymore waiting in line to dump in Millington NJ this granite was a couple of months old working hard
  16. yes it is listed there, i might update if the right deal comes along, nothing wrong with my truck so if it doesnt sale il just work it another year
  17. one of the companies i work with has 2 granites with the alissons i drove one for 10 minutes so im not going to say if there good or bad but il say this, there really quick on take off, another thing this company has around 10 drivers and they are always jumping around from truck to truck, never see them in the shop for trans problems.
  18. My cousin and his dad have 4 trucks running from Portugal to Spain loaded bouth ways, one way real heavy they do about 8 to 9 mpg, but keep in mind that there trucks are limited at 80kmp @ 55mph, they pull flats with 1 volvo 2 scanias and 1 daf
  19. When i was 16 years old i went to work in a truck shop in Newark, and the owner of the shop Franco (RIP) also owned that autocar he rebuilt that from the ground up alot of money and time went into it, and i helped with alot of it, he also had a nice dm800 that i loved, anyways that autocar was sold after he passed away and then after a bunch of years there he was still working
  20. some pics from Europe from last years vacation
  21. i would drive it with pride, not every truck has to have a hood on it, i love cab overs and im glad our european and australian brothers still produce these trucks
  22. thats a nice truck, good luck with it. please post more pictures
  23. Yes you are right not to many peolpe speak English over there. I was born in Portugal so i got the language down,lol I need to go tru my vacation pictures there were some cool trucks there
  24. the rates are so low now a days that these guys dont have the time to stop and help out anyone, thats why i never work by the load only by the hour
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