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Everything posted by PedroR

  1. This is good info, i wounder what the real price per gallon is on bio, i know a guy that runs bio on his UD tow trucks, i think he uses used cooking oil, i know it smells kind of funny when they go by, but never really asked how he makes it.
  2. A few years ago i went to Brazil on vacation (yea shes brazilian) and il say i never seen so many HOT girls in one spot.
  3. some more working pictures hope its ok to post on this tread, please let me know and il delete them
  4. i would hire her but not to change tires shes to slow
  5. lol maybe, im painting the frame and the spokes in a couple of weeks il see what it comes out of it
  6. im with the rest of these guys, what kind of motor is it? i would pull the exaust manifold out and look for oil in one of the cylinders
  7. i saw these on rt 78 in Newark i think they were goint to the Port, i wounder why we dont use this set up in the US By the way i got a bunch of cool pics i want to post, where should i do it, there work pics, show pics, etc
  8. i know what u mean about the spider hubs, they are stonger for sure but the main reason i want to change it is because i'm tired of spending half hour to one hour to get them rims straight every time i pull one out(yea im really crazy about running my rims straight), i dont knon maybe il take your advice and paint them green, i got to check how much everything is going to cost, before i do anything
  9. Hi i went and changed the front hubs on my 96, i think im going to change the rear ones has well anyone know the part #,and $ for the rear hubs, it has 52k rear end susp. pic for clicks
  10. thats cool and all, but i must say i think thats a bit over done
  11. thanks HK thats exactly what it was, went to mack got a new accessory relay and $34.00 later problem was solved
  12. real nice combo, any trailer inside pics?
  13. Yea, I tried swithing the relays around but had no luck .
  14. on my 96 rd when i turn the key on in the morning there is no power (battery gauge, fuel gauge, no fan, no jake brake, etc) but after about 30 minutes everything comes on and works fine for the rest of the day, i get to the yard and stop the truck wait 20 to 30 minutes and theres no power again. any idea of what the problem might be, thanks in advanced
  15. has anyone changed from spider hubs to pilot hubs on a 20k front axle? how much did it cost? can one use the same brake shoes? 96 rd thanks
  16. yes it is
  17. if u look at the hood and fenders the clear and paint is coming out.
  18. I was going to buy another truck or trade for something newer but after alot of thought i decided to keep mine and fix it up a little bit. i think im going to keep the same color(green), but i want to get some stripes down on the cab, or maybe go with two colors , does anybody have pics of old paint jobs on rds ? here r some pics of my truck now. Thanks for looking
  19. this was a good year for me here in Jersey, no major break downs, already got some work lined up for next year.
  20. I for one will not be happy with the new cl or any other truck , new motors will never run like the older ones, or get get the same mpg, and how much are we suppost to pay for a new truck, i talked with a local salesman at mack and when he told me the price of a new granite (tandem dump) i was amaized on how much the prices have gone up. This is only my opinion.
  21. thats the way i did it on my truck, the top ones last a long time so i used the black ones, but got talked into getting the polyurethane ones on the bottom, they were way more money,and the axles dont move at all, but im not happy, so i think im going to change them, i went to the yard this morning and after washing the truck i was looking at the bushing boxes i think there the same size has the 58k rears, i wounder if the 58k rear bushings are better than the 52k? Does anybody know if they are the same?
  22. thanks guys, its good to be back
  23. anybody running these bushings, i put them on my 96 rd with 52k rears and now the truck seems to jump more then it ever did before i think im going back to the mack ones
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