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Mark T

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Mark T last won the day on January 21

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    North East Pa

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  1. Bull in the china shop (lol) reminds me of an old story about the young bull and the old bull. They're stand'n there overlooking the field with all the cows and the young bull says " let's run down there and #@ck a couple of those cows " the old bull's responce........ " let's walk down n #@ck'm all " It'll be a mirical if there's not murders over all this.
  2. Wow, that one looks pretty good still
  3. There were 2 up here. One is either still at the scrapyard it went to or cut up. The other one is on display at a towing company. It's not really operable , but it has a home made wrecker on it.
  4. It's my understanding those twin steers were made exclusively for that guy.
  5. Yes. I'm actually talking to the owner now
  6. One of those Autocars is here by me. One got scrapped not too long ago.
  7. They were ok if you pulled a dry van on blacktop or something like that. They were from back in the time before air ride was the norm. So I'd have to agree with you.
  8. Scary part is there's people who listen to and believe this crackpot.....who married her brother. The epitome of how imigration is supposed to work.
  9. I believe that's what's Mack called "taper leaf" . Then depending where you live, some guys called them underslung. That looks like a pretty nice R Model. That suspension might not be the most desireable , but I'm not sure I'd pass on it because of it.
  10. That's some raw Chevrolet power right there. Simple really was better in so many ways.
  11. That's the first time I've ever heard that. It's an interesting thing. Not that I researched it or went out of my way to see it, but I had seen a few things about the pregnant flight suits. The idiots advocating for that nonsense never said a peep about any of that. This is one of Lord knows how many examples of the lunacy that was going on.......but DON'T tell anybody.
  12. And here I was thinking that the flight suits for pregnant (persons) was all BS. Is it me . or have so many of these events been the story line from episodes of Law & Order ?
  13. I remember seeing these up around Danbury/Waterbury area on Route 84 back in the late '80s .
  14. Not too often you see a guy rebuilding a Triplex. Fancy or not, we'll take it please.
  15. Mack had the strata tube with the scoop on the hood .
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