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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. They're gonna be heavier than I thought. They look pretty good though.
  2. Joy is sport'n a lovely Moe Howard hairdoo in that picture. All she needs is two more stodges to hang out with.
  3. Landing. They're all pretty nice for trucks that work every day. Especially since there's like 40 of them.
  4. Look, I see it says "puppy poster" so I won't be able to say you know how this works....... but we're gonna need pictures. (my guess, the Mack might be in the low 20000 lbs range and the 923 ? mid teens ? just a guess)
  5. Seeing that picture of the Pierce puts it into perspective why some used to refer to the LTL as the Duesenberg of diesels. What classy looking cars all those types were.
  6. It's funny cause it's probably not too far off from the truth.
  7. I don't doubt the paving company has extremely nice equipment. Just when you mentioned New Jersey and trucks kept looking good, CRA immediately came to mind.
  8. New Jersey, clean trucks. CRA. Sorta hard to see a dirty one.
  9. We're gonna need a picture from behind the cab looking forward ( in under the cab ) put this engine mystery to rest 😏
  10. CRA
  11. Just letting you know in general where it is. Friend of mine saw it in person. He claims it's in pretty good shape and really can be enjoyed "as is" , he felt it's a fair price for it. Not gonna get many more chances to get something so close to the original Green Hornet.
  12. Said it was made to be a michigan special. Back then one of those with a couple Fruehauf dump trailers behind them was a common sight, and quite inpressive at that.
  13. I bet all of us are feeling a little bit better about Volvo at least.
  14. Buddy of mine just acquired a RW similar to the one in the video. Not quite in that shape, but just about started out pretty close as far as the spec . I'd love to see that one in the video in action with a couple Fruehaufs behind it . ( not saying I mind seeing it now )
  15. and that's why that r elationship works
  16. Duck, IDK if you recall a few months ago when you were delivering close to where I live. When you were there, that's well within an hour of the 260. Just say'n
  17. I've seen more remorse and humility from trusties when I used to deliver coal to a prison. Then the scumbag has the nerve to lecture as if he's a victim once again. Pukes.
  18. He has a few old trucks. All interesting pieces. That video even has a cameo of the man known as Quadbox. Another collector of vintage iron.
  19. Those trucks there are Wally's Don't know the guy you mentioned.
  20. If I'm not mistaken, that truck is living a couple blocks away from my house.
  21. IDK about now, but when the guys who sold them the chassis had it , it was a 335 with a five and a four
  22. 🙁 no invite for Little Marky Gotta love these low life celebrities. Sharon Stone is just the epitome of disconnected from reality and lets not forget that Baldwin a$$hole. Guy's actually guilty of involuntary manslaughter and is still arrogant enough to judge people he doesn't know because they live in the real world.
  23. EZ there Sharon. I'm proud of my uneducated non traveled status.
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